DIY Scrabble Tile Craft – Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art

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This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft – Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.

Did you know that National Scrabble Day is celebrated annually on April 13th?  In 1931 an amateur artist,  unemployed architecture and lover of games, Alfred Mosher Butts, created the game “Lexiko” which had a name change to “Criss-Cross Words” and later came to be known as Scrabble.  

To celebrate that, I decided to make a

Scrabble Tile Craft This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.

I guess we all have seen toddlers in love with the colours of the rainbow, my 4 year old is no exception, she lives her life in rainbow colors (which she calls ‘multi’). So when it came to redecorating my miss K’s room, I couldn’t think of anything better than a rainbow themed wall art.  The frame is incredibly quick and easy to make.
You will need:
This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.
  • Scrabble tiles
  • A frame with the glass on top removed. I used an A4 sized frame.
  • Patterned paper
  • Buttons in rainbow colors
  • Scissors
  • Glue
To Make:
  1. Cut the patterned paper to the size of the frame and fix in the frame
  2. Using a circular plate or lid as a guide trace a semi circle towards the top of the frame.
    This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.
  3. Try out different ways to combine the words of the quote/phrase or names you want to put on the frame. Hopefully the words will have at least one common letter. Once you are satisfied with the arrangement of the words, make the same arrangement with the scrabble tiles on the frame. Stick the tiles one by one onto the patterned paper.
    This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.
  4. Start adding the buttons for the rainbow, I used 3 colors, you can use more than 3 too. Use the traced semicircle as the middle of the rainbow and stick yellow buttons right over it.
    This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.
  5. Stick a row of blue buttons below and red buttons above the yellow buttons to finish the rainbow.
    This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.
  6. Finally add some paper clouds with double sided foam tape at both the ends of the rainbow.
    This National Scrabble day, why not make a Scrabble Tile Craft - Follow your Rainbow Nursery Wall Art . This project is simple to make and uses recycled Scrabble game pieces.

Miss K loved the frame, she read the quote and asked me what it meant, I told her it means you should do what you want to do….and her response was, “I want to play all day and never go to school”!!!

DIY Scrabble Tile Craft wall decor-001

What do you think of our Scrabble Tile wall art? How are you celebrating National Scrabble day ? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

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  1. That’s so lovely, I had no idea there was a national scrabble day!
    I’ve done a few things, mostly with names using scrabble pieces, in fact I never pass up the chance to buy a set in a Charity shop now, so I have a good collection. I’ve not thought to do phrases like this and make more of a picture but I love it.

  2. What a cute craft! Any kids room would love this. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂
    Sarah-Ann @ Living Intentionally SImple

  3. I didn’t even realize there was a National Scrabble Day. Love this craft, very cute! Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday. Pinned.