Simple Origami Yacht Craft for Kids

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One of the most interesting things about doing crafts is how you make something beautiful from seemingly simple supplies, which may even include trash! This phenomenon is perhaps most obvious in Origami, the Japanese art of folding. Here, something as insignificant as a piece of paper can be turned into a work of art – without the help of anything else!

Origami creations can be very simple ones or really complex – there are even Origami championships held around the world. Kids can try making basic crafts like animals, flowers, trees and boxes using simple folding techniques, and they can also make use of glue and scissors to get it right. Today’s craft is a simple project for kids – an Origami Yacht that can be made in a few easy steps!

Origami Yacht

Easy Origami Yacht-main

Materials required to make the Origami Yacht:

  • Square origami paper – in various colors
  • Glue (optional)
  • Chalk Markers or paint ( optional)



  1. Take a square origami paper.
  2. Fold it along the diagonal to make a triangle.
  3. Now repeat the same along the other diagonal. Open.
  4. Find the center of the paper, fold one corner up to the center.
  5. Fold in half backward so that the half folded part is seen in the front.
  6. Fold the bottom corners of both the layers inside out.
  7. Pull out the triangular flap to form the body of the Origami Yacht.
  8. Fold both the corners inside along the tip to give proper shape to the sail.
  9. Optional – You can glue the inside folds of the yacht
  10. Optional – Take some paints and add some color to the sails. We had fun doodling designs using a chalk marker.

Easy Origami Yacht-pin

Make a collection of yachts in different colors. If you’d like to make a lake scene like the one shown here, you need blue paper/ card stock for the water and for the sky. Use cotton wool for the clouds and you have your own peaceful lake! This will look lovely sitting on a shelf in the kids’ room, so give the kids some paper and let the folding begin!

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