20 Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids

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These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

There are many joys of childhood, and one of them is most certainly slurping on an ice cream cone, going ever so slowly so the treat will last longer. Unfortunately, that often ends up with the ice cream dripping down your fingers and making a mess!

In case you’re wondering why we’re talking about ice creams when Fall is on its way, it’s because September 22nd is Ice Cream Cone Day. There are some differences of opinion based on where the cone was invented, but initially they were waffles rolled by hand. Later, a machine was invented and ice cream cones were all set to rule the world.

So how are you going to celebrate Ice Cream Cone Day this year? If you can, we’d certainly recommend treating yourself and your family to some yummy cones! If not, you can still celebrate – with some cool and tempting ice cream crafts!

20 Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

1. Pom Pom Ice Cream Necklaces

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

If you’re a true blue ice cream lover, you know that you always have ice cream on your mind. Handmade Charlotte has a cute little project that’ll ensure you have ice cream on your outfit too! We love these little necklaces – perfect for kids and the kid at heart!

2. Ice Cream Bookmarks

Bookmark crafts

Ice cream bookmarks are the perfect way to enjoy your ice cream when it’s too cold. Whatever you’re reading, use these corner bookmarks and let them remind you of a fun summer you had, swimming, running around and of course, eating ice cream!

3. Handprint Ice Cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Crafty Morning has the perfect craft for little kids – a handprint ice cream craft! This is really easy to do, and kids will have fun assembling the parts of the ice cream together.

4. Felt Ice Cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Need some ice creams for your pretend play restaurant? Crafts by Ria has the perfect craft for you, made with felt so that you get that softie look. Make them in pink for strawberry, purple for berry and yellow for butterscotch. 

5. Ice Cream Decorating Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

One of the best parts of an ice cream party is putting all the toppings. Sprinkles, chocolate chips, nuts – there’s so much to choose from! Super Simple recreates this feeling with a cute ice cream cone craft.

6. Paper Plate Ice Cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Got old paper plates lying around? Turn them into huge ice creams, the way Easy Peasy and Fun has done! The good thing about having a large base as a paper plate is that you have lots of space to play around with your toppings.

7. Catch the Ice Cream Game

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Ice cream and summers – two words that instantly evoke memories of fun and games. This DIY ice cream game combines the fun elements of all these, and we’re sure you’ll be addicted to this game in no time!

8. Handprint Held Ice Cream Cone Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Our Kid Things has an adorable craft that will have you craving to hold an ice cream cone in your hand! This craft is a great way to use up any bits and pieces of your craft supplies, like pom poms, sequins and stickers.

9. Puffy Paint Ice Cream Cone Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Crafty Morning brings us a craft that’s so realistic, you’ll have to hold yourself back from licking it! Shaving foam as ice cream – this is indeed a stroke of genius, and kids will absolutely love making this one.

10. Cupcake Liner Ice Cream Cone Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Cupcake liners are great to hold cupcakes, of course, but they also make good craft ice creams! Check out I Heart Crafty Things for instructions on how to make this cute craft, which you can also turn into a card by using mini cupcake liners.

11. Egg Carton Ice Cream Cones

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

We’re always looking for recycled crafts that turn trash into treasure and we found one such craft at In the Playroom. Egg cartons turn into ice cream cones and cotton wool become ice cream. As for the toppings, nothing’s better than pom poms.

12. Printable Paper Mosaic Ice cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Mosaic crafts are a classic kid craft and The Pinterested Parent makes it even more attractive to kids by making an ice cream mosaic craft. This is simple enough for young kids and great for practicing scissor skills.

13. Printable Ice Cream Cone Banner

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Planning an ice cream theme party? Hey, you don’t have to wait for summer to celebrate ice cream! Hello Wonderful has a cute and easy DIY decor idea – an ice cream banner that’s easy enough for kids to make by themselves.

14. Pom Pom Ice Cream Cone Garland

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

If you’d like an ice cream garland that has more dimension, Growing up Gabel has just what you need. Make colorful pom poms out of yarn and cones out of craft paper and you’ll have a cute garland of 3 D ice creams.

15. Textured Ice Cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

The Maternal Hobbyist has an interesting craft that involves multiple textures and shows kids how to use various household items to create art. Ask them for more ideas on how to use other regular things like makeup pads to make crafts.

16. DIY Pretend Play Ice Cream Cones

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Hello Wonderful knocks it out of the park with these ice cream cones that look super realistic! Honestly, if someone handed me a cone like that without the pom poms, I’d probably have a taste!

17. 3 D Paper Ice Cream Cones

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Mr. Printables does it again with these cute little ice cream 3 D structures. You can do a lot with these – stick them on a gift or a card, make a garland, or use them to decorate your desk or a bare shelf.

18. Ice Cream Button Art

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Got lots of buttons and wondering what to make with them? Check out The Ribbon Retreat where they’ve skillfully used buttons to create ice cream cone art, complete with a cherry button on the top!

19. DIY Ice Cream Magnets

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

A Kailo Chic Life has the perfect idea for a DIY gift for an ice cream fanatic – ice cream magnets! They look amazing when completed and aren’t too hard to make as well. A little assistance and kids should be able to do it.

20. Giant Ice Cream Craft

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

Ready to have a giant ice cream hang on your wall? Make and Takes will show you exactly how to go about making one, and you’ll be glad you did! Go with colors of your choice or try to get them to match your room decor.

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

With so many ice cream crafts to make, I’m sure you’ll be craving some ice cream at the end of this! Go ahead and have some guilt-free – you only live once! And while you’re enjoying them, don’t forget to say a silent thanks to whoever invented them – he did the world a great service!

These Cool and Creative Ice Cream Crafts for Kids will have you craving an ice cream cone in no time, no matter what the weather is outside!

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