Paper Alligator Craft for Kids + Free Printable Template
You might defer seeing an alligator later, but this Paper Alligator Craft for kids is so easy that it doesn’t have to wait! Includes a free template!
You’re sure to have heard the saying ‘See you later, alligator!’ and you may have used it yourself. I have too, generally to my daughter when I’m going out. It was much later that I found out that there was a song based on it way back in the ’50s!
Come to think of it, that’s probably the only time I mention alligators. It’s a pretty random fact, but I tend to use the word ‘crocodile’ much more, often instead of alligator. Which is technically wrong, since they’re different animals!
Here are just a few ways alligators are different from crocodiles:
When crocodiles shut their mouths, you can see a row of their teeth over the top lip. However, when alligators close their mouths, all their teeth are hidden
A crocodile lives for 70-100 years while alligators don’t live beyond 50 years
Crocodiles can live in both freshwater and saltwater, while alligators are found more in freshwater environments
Since we’re on the topic of alligators, why not have some fun learning more about this amazing creature – with a paper craft? Here is an easy papercraft alligator craft for kids, made out of nothing more than craft paper!