Happy Birthday to me! :)
Just wanted to record a few things about Lil p and my birthday before I forget it..
PS: Lil p is at my mom’s in a different town and all these conversations happened over the phone in the last few days.
Lil p – “Mumma, its your birthday right? ”
Me – ” Yes baby”
Lil P – How old will you be?
Me – 32 .. Sigh.
Lil p – Nooooooooo !! you will be 30 only!
Me – *surprised* Why baby?
Lil P – Because we did not cut the cake last year and we are not cutting cake this year too [ Cos Lil p is not in town] So you are 30 only! ..
Me – Ok baby *smiling* I’m never gonna cut that cake .. Ever! LOL.
Lil P – Mumma, I miss you only from the left of mercury to the right of Neptune but I love you from the centre of the earth upto the deep deep space. That much!
Me – Lil p , What are you gifting me for my birthday?
Lil p – I learnt Hindi for you. That’s my gift.. See? A, AA, E, EE, U, UUUUU.. Soooooo Much!
Lil p – mumma, I have one surprise for you..
Me- What is it baby? *sounding very excited*
Lil p – its a special gift .. with extra emphasis on the special..
Me – ohhhhh.. is it a dog?
Lil P – *laughs* nooooooooo!
Me – Ok.. Is it a cloud ?
Lil p – Don’t be silly mumma! .. Its a white thing .. a square, lots of flowers on it, I wrote something in it.. Its sooooo pretty mumma.. but You can never guess it. Its a special surprise. Just for you..
Ohhhhhhhh!! How I love little girls and birthdays!
Happy Birthday Shruti!! God bless you and lil P. I am too excited to know what she got for you. 🙂
sweety!!! happy bday dear
Happy Birthday! Hope you have extra special fun and always stay 30 🙂
Happy Birthday, Shruti! We love taureans around here! Will mail you.
happy birthday…..wish you many many more:)
Happy Birthday Shruti
@Swapna – Its a card .. but i’ll get to see it once shez back. 🙂
@Lavina – Thank you so much 🙂
@Vini – hehe. Thanks.
@Sandhya – Thanks 🙂 When are we meeting?
@Simran – Thank you simran. Welcome here.
@Sonia – thank you so much Somia.
Awwww! Happy Birthday to you…hope you had a lovely lovely time 🙂
LOL at mercury and neptune 🙂 she is sure a smart cookie
Belated B’day wishes to the B’day girl!! Lil’P is totally cute! Do post the pic of the square white thing with flowers on it and the words she’d written on it too:)
She sure knows her plants.. lolz. Many happy returns of the day Shruthi, hope you had fun.
Belated birthday wishes dear
So so sweet of her 🙂
And I am sorry to be so late. Belated wishes .. wishing u a wonderful 31st yr ahead 😀
Happy HAppy Birthday Shruti 😀
really sweet and wishes for a great year ahead !