Stick Puppets
You can make simple puppets using icecream sticks. Here are some ideas …
Stick People
We pasted icecream sticks like a cross & then pasted the card sheet clothes on.
U can try to make these too..
We did a 3 Little pigs & big bad wolf story enaction
Take printouts of images, color & glue an icecream stick to make ur puppet. The kids loved it!! Just look at Lil p’s expression. She retold the whole story to hubby dearest.
You can use this technique to make any puppet.
awesome puppets are they for sale some where u can try that as well
OMG!!! you never cease to amaze me!!!! adopt my son pls!! 🙂
Finally I uploaded our entry..we are working on some more..hopefully,will finish and upload in time.
here you go-
Awesome ideas there 🙂 Loved the last pic 😉