Cute Printable Tooth Fairy Craft for Kids

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We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean – you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it’s time for her to pay you a visit!

I admit, I heard about the Tooth Fairy much after I lost my first tooth, and I wished I had known sooner! I mean, it’s an interesting tradition – place your baby tooth under the pillow, and you wake up the next morning to find money or a little gift. Makes all the pain of losing the tooth completely worth it!

Well, many people think that it is the thought of the Tooth Fairy’s visit that make children at least a little less resistant to letting their tooth be pulled out. This is usually the most uncomfortable the first time round, which is why the first tooth often gets a higher payment than the rest! Tooth traditions sure are fun!

Interesting Tooth Traditions Across the World

  • In Norse culture, children’s teeth were believed to be lucky, and were worn on a string by soldiers during war
  • This is also why Vikings often paid children for their baby teeth
  • In Italy, France & parts of Europe, it is believed that a small mouse brings the money in exchange for the tooth
  • Koreans throw baby teeth on the roof for magpies to find, since the bird is considered lucky
  • In Japan, upper teeth are thrown down and lower teeth are thrown up, so the new teeth come in properly

While there is no documentation describing how the Tooth Fairy looks, she is generally believed to be female, and to have wings and a wand. That’s what we’re going with too, in this cute printable tooth fairy craft!

Cute Printable Tooth Fairy Craft for Kids

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

Supplies required:

  • Craft paper in different colors
  • Craft sticks
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

How to make the Tooth Fairy Craft:

1. Download and print the tooth fairy craft template. The template contains the parts of the tooth fairy – hair, fringe, face, arms, top, skirt, wings and tiara. Besides the fairy, the template also includes a brush, wand, tooth and coin. 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

2. Trace the parts of the template on craft papers of the appropriate colors and cut them out. You can use a pink, tan or brown color for the face, and blonde, brown or black for the hair. We’ve chosen blue for the dress and white for the wings. 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

3. Stick the face on the large hair circle. Let it be somewhat in the center, so there’s still some hair visible all around the face. Apply glue only behind the upper portion of the face – the bottom part should be free and unstuck. 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

4. Now stick the fringe on the upper portion of the face – there should be no face visible between the fringe and hair! 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

5. Insert the top between the face and hair as shown in the image below. Secure in place with glue. 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

6. Attach the skirt to the bottom of the top with glue. Your tooth fairy craft is taking shape!

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

7. Stick the arms to either side of the top, applying glue to the back of the top. Fix the tiara on the fairy’s fringe with glue. 

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

8. Using a black marker, draw an outline for the fairy’s wings. Now use glue to attach them to the back of the fairy.

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

9. Take out your blue marker and draw an outline on the fairy’s dress to give it some dimension. Take out your other colors and fill in the fairy’s facial features. Stick the fairy on a large craft stick and that’s it – your tooth fairy craft is ready!

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

Of course, your tooth fairy craft can always do with some accessories, which is why we’ve also included a cute little toothbrush and wand. Stick the bristles to the brush handle and attach a drop of toothpaste. The wand is straightforward enough – a star on a stick! We also have a cute little tooth and a coin that you can stick on craft sticks. Use your tooth fairy craft as a bookmark or as a puppet – maybe you can create a fun show talking about the benefits of keeping your teeth clean!

We hope this tooth fairy craft inspires kids to keep their teeth clean - you sure want to impress the tooth fairy when it's time for her to pay you a visit!

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