SHRUTI ACHARYA – is a writer, photographer, DIY lover, passionate homemaker, and the chief dreamer at ArtsyCraftsyMom.com . Shruti lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and 16 year old daughter. She loves showcasing fun art activities, crafts for kids, celebrations, children’s books & all the craziness that is India.

Fabida is an erstwhile Software Engineer and current Freelance Writer cum Stay at Home Mom to her boisterous 10-year-old. In between all the writing, baking, nagging, reading, and cuddling, she manages to blog a bit about her crazy life at Shocks and Shoes. She writes posts for our Art & Craft Section. She also handles all our Social Media accounts & newsletter.

Fabida is an erstwhile Software Engineer and current Freelance Content Writer and a Stay at Home Mom to her boisterous 10-year-old. In between all the writing, baking, nagging, reading, and cuddling, she manages to blog a bit about her crazy life at Shocks and Shoes. She writes posts for our Art & Craft Section. She also handles all our Social Media accounts & newsletter.

Rupa Sinha is a mother to a 12-year-old boy & lives with her husband in Bangalore. Her working experience expands over 6 working years as a primary school teacher. Painting, origami, and sketching are some of her favorite hobbies. She is in charge of setting up ArtsyCraftsyMom workshops and summer camps in the future. She also helps organize Club ArtsyCraftsy Content.

Manju Sriram loves making crafts and is a very seasoned Hobbyist and Tutor. She regularly conducts classes and organizes workshops on Tailoring, Embroidery, Knitting, crocheting, Beading, clay crafting, etc. She lives in Bangalore and is a mother of two boys. She helps turn Shruti’s 1001 Ideas into projects for our Art & Craft Section.

Manju Sriram loves making crafts and is a very seasoned Hobbyist and Tutor. She regularly conducts classes and organizes workshops on Tailoring, Embroidery, Knitting, crocheting, Beading, clay crafting, etc. She lives in Bangalore and is a mother of two boys. She helps turn Shruti’s 1001 Ideas into projects for our Art & Craft Section.

We also have a host of guest bloggers who have shared their beautiful art creations with us on the blog..

Kaushik Somaiya – Kaushik helps bloggers Start, Build & Design their Blogs. He has done a fabulous job setting up our latest Foodie-Pro theme. He also does his magic from time to time to beautify our site and make it more user-friendly.
Sandeep Hegde – Entrepreneur who loves technology, blogging, photography, and travel. He is the Director at dotcord.com and handles all our back-end Super Ninja tasks- Domain, Website Hosting, Security & Backup.
We want to deliver a variety of fabulous content to our readers- and we know there are many of you with creative passions and talents of your own just waiting to be seen! If you have been inspired by this blog and have amazing ideas of your own, we want to hear from you!
- Kid’s Art Ideas
- Kid’s Craft Ideas
- Printables
- Recipes
- Cleaning & Organizing
- Decor
- Family Activities
- Books and more ..
- Blogging & Business
- Photography
- Travel
- Create 1-3 posts per month (you decide what you’re up for!) and publish it directly to ArtsyCraftsyMom using your very own username and password.
- Be creative and have a passion for any of the above areas of expertise.
- Be able to take great pictures of your project. <<< THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITY!!!
- Have a fun personality that comes through in writing
- Be responsible and meet deadlines
- Be familiar with blogging {If you are familiar with WordPress, that is a plus!}
- Monetary compensation for each post you write. (Paid monthly via Bank transfer )
- Exposure to hundreds of thousands of readers and followers on all of the Artsy Craftsy Mom’s social media channels
- Collaborations on blog promotions to help grow your site
- Potential revenue opportunities to work with brands and write sponsored posts
- Access to our Facebook Group where we share blogging tips and ideas to help every team member grow their individual sites.
If you think YOU would be a great fit, please apply!
If you don’t think this is for you BUT you know of someone who might be a great fit – please forward this page to them.
- Please fill up the form at the end of this page if you would like to join our team.
- Suggested word count is usually ballpark of 400 words, but shorter (video with a unique tutorial) or longer is always fine as long as you feel you’ve kept the readers’ interest.
- Include a brief, fun (one to two sentences) bio (with email or web address, twitter, facebook or instagram—we’ll tag you!).
- If accepted and published, please feature your ArtsyCraftsyMom.com work on your web site, in your portfolio, etc.—the more you feature it in your personal sphere, and email it to friends, the more traction and traffic it will get.
Note: If any part of your work has been published previously, you must inform us in writing—or you legally guarantee our right to publish. If your work has been published previously elsewhere online, please update your article with a slightly new title and steps. This allows Google and other search engines to pick up the article as a new, unique article. Better for your article, better for ArtsyCraftsyMom.com’s credibility.
- Reading ArtsyCraftsyMom.com before submitting work will help you write to our audience. We do not publish infomercials, advertorials or glorified press releases. Articles are not a substitute for advertising. Your bio may, however, contain info re: programs, products, web site etc.
- Expect edits. This doesn’t mean that your article isn’t already great—but we may need to tailor your work to our audience and/or to fit our layout, particularly if your submission is on the long side. This includes images! We want to include your images where possible, but reserve the right to choose what we use for final publication, for aesthetic reasons and / or copyright issues.
Request for Guest Posting at artsycraftsymom.com
I am truly impressed in your blog. I would like to propose my content on your blog (as guest post) with my website link. Please let me know if you are accepting guest posts and I’m ready to share my content, I promise it with unique and excellent content.
Thank you
Thanks for offering Nelsonrolle. I am not accepting guest posts at the moment. will surely get back to you when I do.
Thanks for dropping in & leaving us a note.