Chocolate cake & weekend tales
The weekend brought us some not so good news. All of you know that I had planned to conduct weekend craft classes at home. Well that might not happen any more. My hubby, had even got 50 pamphlets printed for me. In order to put it up on the notice boards of our apartment, I had to check with the association. They have some fixed rate to put up the posters. They took a week to tell me that no commercial activities can be conducted within the house .. while many are blatantly flouting this rule by charging nearly 6000 a month for dance , art and craft classes. My husband tried to reason with them.. but no use.
I don’t like to break rules and nor do I want to complain about people who are breaking this rule. So I’ll just be calling close friends and family [ who have already registered] ..
The only good thing that happened over the weekend was that my sis had come over to stay with us. She baked us this gorgeous chocolate cake
Shruti, normally my apartment allows the use of clubhouse only if there is a benefit for them in terms of revenue and also the use is beneficial to the residents at large. So, dance classes and singing classes happen in the community hall with a subsidized rental paid for usage. It is subsidized because it is used by the kids in the apartment.
If I need the hall for my own use (Bday party or an exhibition), the rates they have fixed is Rs.1500 for 3 hrs and Rs.500 more for every additional hour.
Maybe you can check if something of that sort is possible where you pay for the use of hall.
Having classes at home should be a personal choice as long as it does not affect the decorum of the community. Am surprised this is not allowed. And those that are already doing dance and craft classes, maybe they have a deal with the association where they pay a premium for commercial use of their floor space. You can still check it out from that angle. It is a nice initiative and you should not allow this to hurdle your progress.
You may still protest if it is not stated categorically anywhere in the bylaws.
And I forgot to mention that cup cakes and the choc cake look so tempting !
Oh no 🙁 Isn’t there a club house or community center that you can use? I think you should bring it up with them that there are other classes being run in the society, without bringing up the names. Its really unfair to have different sets of rules for different people. Hope something works out and you are able to conduct the classes.
oh!! thats bad:( loved the cake n the cupcakes!!
@Somu – They are ok with conducting classes in the club house with a 15% revenue + rent for clubhouse ( subsidised) .. But its always occupied and I don’t have so many kids who have registered.
Ouch! I hope you can figure out alternatives – meanwhile binge on the chocolate 🙂
Guess, craft classes are gonna be really quieter than dance classes, and it is hardly going to be a disturbance for anyone !! May be if the other flatmates support you? Why don’t you bring this up in some association meeting so that everyone can be clear about the rules ?
Don’t bother – Some alternative will just come up!! Just wait for the right thing to happen !!!
By the way, the cakes look so tempting !!
The cakes look yummmm!
Hope you find an alternative Shru and it all works out fine. Hugs!!