Fun with Shells

Sharing is caring!


 We are lucky to have our inlaws who stay in a beach town – Read this & this.. The sea is just 500 metres from where they stay.. And each year that we go there, Lil p collects a lot of shells. Yesterday we found the hidden stash from last year and decided to craft with it.. I was slightly busy, so I gave her a black card sheet as an empty canvas to use the shells as she pleased..


Lil P started by making a small girl by the beach and then started imaginative play as herself by the beach .. Then the sun appeared, next a tree & a butterfly ..

ShellGirl 1

 She also used the shells to form a hill shape , clouds.. and even a beach house..

It was fun.. easy and open ended.. We also had fun arranging the shells in ascending order & descending order of their sizes.. We had fun counting them.. We even played tic tac toe with them..


All the while Lil p was coming up with more and more ideas on what to make next .. Lil p was engrossed in this activity for nearly 1.5 hrs.. Super fun, inexpensive & Easy!!!!

I also asked a few fellow bloggers to share a few crafts that they have tried with shells.. here are the links –

More shell craft ideas from fellow bloggers on KBN
1. Jane from mamapeapodshows how to make a fridge magnet, a necklace & other crafts out of shells
2. Margarita from redtedart  used shells for her daughter’s doll house bathroom
3. Esther from creativitymypassion used shells to recreate an underwater sea scene
4. Manasi from experimenting-mom used shells to create butterflies & for sensory play activity 
5. Cathy from nurturestore used Shells to create a garden tile art  & to make a under the sea playdough 
6. Roopa from puttiprapancha used shells to paint with 

What have you tried using shells for??? Did you make an ornament? Did you stick them together?.. made a photo frame?? Do share your ideas with us… I’d like to try them with Lil p . 

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  1. @Shama: She sat making up stories for a whole two hours! .. 🙂 It was fun.
    @Trisa : We should also try painting / printing with them.. 🙂 Thanks for the idea..

  2. Hey thanks for reminding me about shells. I’ve got some lying around for ages. Must do something with them. I’d been planning a photo frame.. got the photo ready too but forgot to finish it. Will do now.

  3. @Sakhi… Love that idea.. and I don’t mind links in my comments section.. 🙂 these are the kinds I want to see.
    Hugs. Thanks for sharing ur idea.

    @OM: photo frame is on our to do list too 🙂

  4. Great ideas! And lovely pics there!
    Vyas once painted few big shells and gave them as gifts to few loved ones with their and his name also painted on it:)

  5. Lovely pics, Shruti, and yes – shells are always such a pleasure to play with. The fact that we collect them from nature with love and care make them all the more precious to play with later on. This is the reason I don’t like ‘buying’ shells from a craft store or any other place.

  6. Hi… I love collecting shells… I have prepared a display under my dining table and displayed them there….