Heart crafts made by Lil P

Sharing is caring!

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Wanted to share some of the crafts made by Lil P over the last week..
The Top right one is a spray painted stenciled heart card made by Lil P at her school.. and the Roses are red message was written oh! so beautifully by her inside the card.

She made the crayon resist card (bottom-left) for her best friend in our apartment..

We made lots of random icecream cards that open to reveal a heart for her friends and some she decided to make for herself 😉 .. Thank you Esther for this lovely idea… and thanks Ayesha for the correction.. Esther was originally inspired by Ayesha’s card – Heart Bouquet Card

Tutorials for all cards to come soon..

For the BookWormFriday – we have two valentine’s stories & associated crafts lined up by Esther

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  1. i would appreciate if you would give credit to my idea of a card opening as a heart whether it’s decorated as ice cream ..carrot .. strawberry bouquet .. or anything else. If u do craft and have love for craft u would know how it feels … im sorry if im sounding like a real bad person ..

  2. @ayesha – thanks for the correction. I had just seen the pics at Esther in KBN but had not seen her credit in the post.. I did give credit to Esther and have now added both links.. 🙂 I understand and sorry for the earlier miss.

  3. thank you so much .. i was feeling sad earlier but i felt bad and sorry after posting the comment … but you made it all okay again .. 🙂 thank you sooo sooo much!

  4. Thank you for the feature Shruthi! Glad that lil p liked the ice cream cards!

    BTW, We received our hard copy of the heart book yesterday. Your heart crafts are very good. The pic clarity is good. Cj was pretty excited to see all the crafts