When you encounter trouble,be fearless #KhudKoKarBuland
When you encounter trouble.. Be fearless #KhudKoKarBuland
I thought I had it ALL.
I had a wonderful job at an amazing company. I had flexibility, an understanding boss, and a very good salary. I was also happily married to my college sweetheart of 15 years and we were blessed with a spunky baby girl.
Over the past dozen years, since age 22, I’ve spent nearly 80 hours a week working my way up the corporate ladder at a large telecom company. I had numerous awards to my name and many technical certifications. Plus, I had a blog that I was proud of.
Right about the time I was congratulating myself on these “accomplishments,” I was getting up at 5 a.m., making breakfast for everyone, then getting dressed , dropping my daughter off at school, going to work, picking her up again, attending calls, cooking dinner, checking for homework, putting her to bed, working in bed until midnight on my blog post that needed to go out that day and then I did it all again the next day, on repeat, sometimes on just 4 hours of sleep.
Of course, my husband was right by my side – encouraging, helping out and being an equal partner.
Yet, I felt overwhelmed, stressed out, depressed.
You see, even though I was living the Working Mom Dream with a big salary and a great popularity status, I was not completely happy because I’d lost sight of what was truly important: I was unhealthy, my relationships were fraught with tension, and I wasn’t passionate about life.
We were arguing yet again and my daughter came running into the room and screamed, “Please stop fighting!” BAM! It hit me, I wasn’t living my Dream; I was living a BIG lie.
Life is like that. One day everything is perfectly fine and the next, it all suddenly crumbles. In all our lives we experience highs and lows. Our strength and perseverance are only tested when we face disappointment and adversity. Just like in the video
Whatever insecurities/ adversities life throws at you, the human spirit never bows down and is always prepared to take on the challenges head-on.
So, on Sep 1, 2015, I quit my job. It feels so good to write those four words now, but at that time, it was also terrifying and exhilarating and scary all at once. We had 3 EMIs, rents, salaries to pay, and our daughter’s education to worry about.
So how did “we” do it?
One year ago, I had set a clear date for when I’d be leaving my job to pursue my passion full time. At that time, I only had a small amount of savings. So my plan was to save enough money so that I could quit my job to freely pursue my hobbies and find a balance that I so craved. That plan helped.
Over the last 6 months, since I became a Stay at home Mom, I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. As long as you are doing something that expresses your passion, and you remain strong, you will excel and you will gain satisfaction. When life gives you lemons, everyone has two options: you can choose to allow them to make you sour & bitter OR you can choose to make lemonade. I don’t know about you, but lemonade sounds a lot better than khatta lemons.
#KhudKoKarBuland campaign speaks of the same. Raise yourself to face just about any challenge that life may throw at you. Secure your life to enable yourself and your family to follow their dreams.
So what is your story? Don’t forget to share your Khud Ko Kar Buland Moment with us.
Very nicely written Shruti.
This is so fabulous. Just reading this felt so peaceful. And whatever you do, I want you to know that I will have your back 🙂
Iam following since so many days, but today as iam desperate, need a job where my hand to mouth survival can be fulfilled with my dearest child, i feel somebody is tapping on my shoulder and telling that everything will be alreight in some days. feels good. Thankyou
Great shruti,even I m planning to quit my job,it’s such a crucial decision to take,but just loved your post and got inspired.
Thanks dear
The activities are just awesome.