New year, New features …..
I love new beginnings.. and new years are no exceptions. I make plans to redecorate, think of a new theme for my home, Losing weight always figures somewhere.. but I rarely get to it. 2012 is def going to be the one where I take a stock of my health. Get into better shape and increase my stamina. It has been a good year so far.. Lots of trips , some new features, a new home and a new camera!!! Its funny because after 12 years me n my hubby have found a common passion.. Photography. We squabble like kids on who gets to take the shot. In 2011, I also made plans to complete 3 certifications .. Completed two. The PMP one has got postponed to end of Jan. I have been ignoring it the past 2 months but I will get back to it seriously in 2012. I am also working on a new project at office. I’m very very excited about it. I’m learning new technologies and the adrenalin rush of a short cycle agile methodology has got me all pumped up. I’ve always fared very well at challenging stuff and this is the first time that our QE [ Quality Engineering] team is working on Jruby, Groovy and Cucumber… In short, I might be blogging much lesser in 2012. But I have some exciting plans for Mindful Meanderings ..
1. I want to change the the Artsy-Craftsy mascot .. make her more Indian..Do you want to give that a try?
2. I want a regular feature on Yummy-Tummy Wednesday.. Calling all food lovers, if you would like to be a part of Mindful Meanderings team, drop me a mail. One kiddie recipe of yours will be featured every Wednesday.
3. I also want a regular feature on Children books.. maybe every Friday. It could be a post on your kids favorite book and reviews . You could also post information about book shops and fairs, or compile your age wise lists.. Again, I want it limited to children books ages – 0 – 16. Any interested parties who want to be a part of Mindful Meanderings team?
What are your plans for the new year?
Yay! Love the book idea! I can contribute regularly. We pick up on an average 10 books per week from the library but then the age group will be 2-4. Not for older kids.
I can put something together for cooking segments too.
Avatar – let me see if I get around to it. Not sure if I have the time on my hands. Yes 2012 is going to be a crazy year at Poohsden too 🙂
Happy 2012
*Falls at feet* – I always wonder how you manage so much…you are a rock star Shruti…Errr…change the mascot..well why not..*But I kinda love her*
books – I can pitch in if you want
Recipes- Errr..*runs away*
Wish you a super duper new year and have fun 🙂
Happy New Year to you ans your family.
Recipes @ Should i send to ur email or gv the link in comments section ?
@Shama – Please mail them to me.. Or if you would like to post regularly, i’ll give you an ID..
@R’s Mom: 🙂 I’ll be interesting to read about books that various mommies like 🙂 Mail me ..
@Vini: That sounds fab! .. books for 2-4 yrs is a good start 🙂 let me know if you’d like to do a regular feature or once in a while. I can create a login for you.
Happy New your to you and your near and dear ones.
Best wishes for changes in Mindful Meanderings too. I look forward to it; i can pitch in for books section, but i can’t promise anything on regular basis though, may be an avid participating member of linkies is all i can say for sure 🙂
Will mail your questionaire by this weekend, bit busy with New Year celebration prep at home and also with Cyclone Thane playing spoilsport to boot with!
Count me in for the children’s books part!
And a happy 2012 to all!
Boooo! I dnt like it that u will be blogging lesser 🙁
Congrats on the 2 cerifications and it’s so nice to find that passion no 🙂 Awesome!
Hugs and best wishes to you and yours’. Am waittting to see the Indian mascot 🙂
@lakshmi – Hope everyone is safe .. Thane almost played a spoilsport to our new year celebs too. Do mail me book reviews as and when you get time.
@Sandhya – Great! Do mail me the reviews as and when you get time. 🙂
@swaram: The indian mascot is my wishlist for 2012 and also to classify all crafts age wise and material wise.. 🙂 Any ideas?
I am game… Let’s play 🙂
Happy New Year to you Shruthi!
Wow! So many things planned in the new year…And Agile methodology and all – Im learning all that now!
*bowing D.O.W.N* on all the plans – tires me looking at them!
Mascot change? Why not? Am waiting to try out the new challenges this year with the hope that the son turned 2!
@RS, Varada: Great 🙂 I’ll hope to get more entries from you this year