No Sew Felt Unicorn Pouch + Free Template | Unicorn Craft for teens

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Turn heads with a pretty, no sew felt Unicorn Pouch, custom designed by you! All you need is felt and a good quality glue gun to hold everything in place!

I’m not a big follower of fashion trends, although one can’t help but notice when all the youngsters are wearing jeans the colors of the rainbow! Yet, I always appreciate good style, like I’m sure many of you do. And when it comes to clothes and accessories, I’ll choose something handmade over high street any day!!

There’s something charming about wearing something that someone made with their own hands, isn’t there? Especially if it’s a gift from someone special, who’s taken the time to make it themselves. The best part – it’s 100% unique; you’ll be the only one on earth to own a piece like that!

And that’s what today’s little fashion accessory is – uniquely unicorn! It’s a simple project that is completely no sew – so don’t worry about your sewing skills! Show the world that you’re one sassy unicorn who makes her own path – and her own pouch!

No Sew Felt Unicorn Pouch + Free Template

Turn heads with a pretty, no sew felt Unicorn Pouch, custom designed by you! All you need is felt and a good quality glue gun to hold everything in place!

Supplies Required:

  • Felt fabric in colors of your choice (Keep one color as the main one, preferably white)
  • Thick Golden fabric
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hook-and-loop fasteners
  • Pencil – to trace the template
  • Free Template – click on image to downloadUnicorn Pouch Template ArtsyCraftsyMom

Turn heads with a pretty, no sew felt Unicorn Pouch, custom designed by you! All you need is felt and a good quality glue gun to hold everything in place!

Instructions to Make the No Sew Felt Unicorn Pouch:

1. Cut the main felt fabric for the pouch according to your required size (mine was 6″ x 10″). Cut 2 felt fabric strips of 1 cm width and the length same as the width of the felt cut out for the pouch.

2. Prepare the hot glue gun and attach the 2 felt strips along the shorter ends of the main felt piece. For one of the strips, leave the center unattached, gluing only the ends.

3. Glue the hook-and-loop fasteners in the middle of either strip.

Turn heads with a pretty, no sew felt Unicorn Pouch, custom designed by you! All you need is felt and a good quality glue gun to hold everything in place!

4. Download the free template, print and cut out the patterns. Trace the patterns onto your
selected colors of felt, and cut them out neatly. The template includes –inner ear parts, outer ear parts, eyes, mouth, cheeks, horn, flower spiral and leaf. You’ll need to make the horn template in three ways – felt, cardstock and golden fabric.

5. Assemble the horn by sticking the golden piece on the cardstock horn, and then gluing this on to the felt horn so the final horn is golden in front, felt in the back and with cardstock in between. Finish the ears by sticking the inner ear parts on the outer ears.

6. Fold the main felt piece into half lengthwise and glue the two open sides using the glue gun, avoiding the top. Remember that we left a gap in the middle of one of the strips? That side will be the back of the pouch.

7. Now use a glue gun to fix the ears and the horn to the main pouch, pushing at least 1 cm of their bottom ends inside the looped strips. Don’t forget to close the loop by sticking the entire length of the strips with the main fabric.

Glue the small white circles on the large black circles to make the eyes.

8. Glue the small white circles on the large black circles to make the eyes. Stick the eyes, lashes and mouth on the front side of the pouch.

9. Prepare the embellishments – 3 flower spirals, 4 leaves and cheeks/blush. Roll the felt strips to make flowers using the spiral patterns.

10. Now attach the remaining pieces one by one along the top end of the pouch. Your no sew felt Unicorn Pouch is ready!

Turn heads with a pretty, no sew felt Unicorn Pouch, custom designed by you! All you need is felt and a good quality glue gun to hold everything in place!

This unicorn is white, but you can make your own no sew felt unicorn pouch in any color of your choice. Try pink with a rainbow horn, for instance. Or go nuts with an aqua unicorn – it’s all up to you! Mix and match different colored felt for any combination of your choice and most importantly, own your style!

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  1. is there another type of glue other than a hot glue gun that works well on felt? I would hot glue gun the pouches but thinking about doing this craft for a birthday party and would like each child to have some glue to decorate their own pouches.