Paper Rocket Craft + Free Template
Teach your kids to dream big with the help of a Paper Rocket Craft that’ll inspire them to chase their dreams & soar high! Free Printable Template included.
Do you often hesitate making crafts with your kids because you feel intimidated? Places like Pinterest are full of beautiful pictures of sophisticated crafts that may require a detailed trip to the craft store, and the thought of spending all that time and money can be disheartening.
But that’s the magic of crafting – you can make gorgeous things with the simplest supplies. Just like we’ve made a bright and colorful paper rocket craft with nothing more than craft paper!
This rocket craft makes for good cutting practice for young kids and quilling practice for the older ones. And once you’re done, don’t forget to mount them on a pretty background so they can soar into outer space!
Paper Rocket Craft + Free Template
List of Supplies:
- Colored craft papers
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Craft glue
How to make the Paper Rocket Craft:
1. Download and print the rocket template. Select different colored craft papers for the various parts of the rocket.
2. Trace the patterns on the selected colored craft papers using a pencil. Cut out the traced patterns neatly.
3. Take the small flame cut out and glue it on the big flame cut out. Now take the 2 circle cut outs and stick them on the main rocket cut out.
4. Apply glue along the top straight end of the flame pattern and overlap the bottom 1 cm part of the main rocket along the glued part of the flame. Press the overlapped glued part to make sure that they are glued properly.
5. Now stick the rest of the parts to complete the rocket pattern. Let the glue dry.
6. Cut out some quilling strips to make shapes to fix on the windows, the top end and the flame of the paper rocket. Prepare paper quilled teardrop shapes for the flame, a triangle shape for the top end and round loose coils for the windows.
7. Stick the prepared paper quilled shapes on the parts of the rocket as you want. Wait till the glue dries entirely.
To make this simpler, you can skip the quilling step, especially for last kids. Instead, choose sticker embellishments to decorate the rocket. You can make the background with black chart paper and spray painting some white paint with an old toothbrush. Hang it up in your child’s room so they can look at it and get inspired to chase their dreams!
How do I get the free template for the paper rocket craft? I don’t see anything to click on to download the template. Thanks for your help.
right click on the template picture, save image and then open image and print
thank you
This would be great for my 2 year old kids in class!
Thanks for such a great template