The Agenda of the Apprentice Scientist

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Welcome to our Book-Nook. Every Friday we review children’s books and tell you why we love it  or not love it so much.















 Today We have Sandhya who is reviewing the book



The Agenda of the Apprentice Scientist



Written by Nicole Ostrowsky


Illustrated by Theresa Bronn


Translated from French by Radhika Viswanathan with Gillian Rosner


Published by Universities Press


Ages 7-70 (as it says in a foreword by none other than CNR Rao.)



Science. The subject that inspires anxiety, fear, awe. For many reasons, real and/or imagined, children and parents often beat a hasty retreat as if faced by a spectre.




This needn’t always be so, as the sciences are surprisingly accessible to those who really seek. They explain the everyday phenomena that we take for granted, and sometimes find inexplicable. And they can be great fun!




Here is a book that explains things in an interesting and attainable way, with experiments that go from what one knows to what one can explore. In the form of a calendar, there is one topic dealt with for every day of the year. The experiments involve easy-to-obtain-at-home articles, and some days it is just an observation that needs pondering on.




The book is as much for parents interested to learn, as it is for children. The acid test of whether one has understood something or not is if one can explain something to a child in clear, simple terms. That is just what this book, written by French physicist Dr Nicole Ostrowsky, who believes in a hands-on approach to education, is about.




Oh, and all with quirky illustrations and the relevant quotes on each page!




Book cover image courtesy universitiespress.
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Sandhya Renukamba was a doctor in a faraway lifetime but quit setting bones for delving into tomes. Her daughter is the centre of her universe. Together they have had many adventures of the bibliophilic kind, which she writes about at My Handful of the Sky. History, math, language and music make up the rest of her world. Her idea of heaven is a lazy afternoon with a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other, with her favourite raga playing in the background. She dreams of writing a book someday.  A quote that she loves: “The world was hers for the reading!”


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  1. Hi! Umm i was just wondering if you could do a post for and origami that represents friendship?? I would like to do it for my bestie for graduation in 2 weeks. Thanks (: