Easy Sew Felt Tortoise Plushie for Kids

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This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

We’ve all heard of the story of the race between the hare and the tortoise, and how the tortoise won in the end. The moral was that ‘slow and steady wins the race’ – something that is so relevant in today’s age of instant gratification!

When I was younger, I thought this was a rather silly story, but I now realize the wisdom hidden in it. It doesn’t matter if you have all the tools and facilities at your disposal – if you’re not consistent in your efforts or single minded about your goal, it’s of no use. Amazing how such a simple story can hold so much depth!

There’s also a little lesson in it about enjoying the journey while still keeping your eye on the destination. There are many benefits to slowing down, which is why we see a sudden increase in popularity for activities like coloring, yoga and sewing.

Speaking of sewing, it’s an excellent mindfulness activity for children, not to mention an essential life skill. That way, not only will they be able to sew a button on later, but they can make cute little things for themselves, like this felt tortoise plushie! 

Easy Sew Felt Tortoise Plushie for Kids

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

Supplies required:

  • Felt in shades of green, yellow, black and white
  • Green thread
  • Black thread
  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Ball pen
  • Glue

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

How to make the Felt Tortoise Plushie for Kids:

1. Download and print the template for the felt tortoise plushie. The template contains the front and back portions of the body and shell, circles for the eyes and spots on the tortoise.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

2. Trace out the template parts on felt of the appropriate colors and cut them out. We’ve used light green for the tortoise body, dark green for the shell, yellow for the spots and black and white for the eyes. You can also experiment with a brown shell if you like.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

3. Take the front portion of the tortoise body and stick the eyes on it. You can do this by sticking the smaller black circles inside the larger white ones. Remember, the positioning of the black circles will decide which direction your felt tortoise plushie is looking in! Use black thread to sew a smile on his face.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

4. Place the back of the tortoise body behind the front portion. They need to be perfectly aligned so you can sew along the edges. Thread a needle with green thread.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

5. Start sewing from one end of the tortoise body, moving along the edge. Use a blanket stitch and stitch all the way to your starting point.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

6. Now place the shell on top of the tortoise body and use the same blanket stitch to secure it in place. Stop when you have a little more to go – we need this opening to stuff our felt tortoise plushie.

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

7. Through the opening left in the previous step, stuff the tortoise shell with felt scraps or cotton wool. Sew the opening shut. 

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

8. Use glue to stick the spots on the shell of your tortoise and voila! Your cute little felt tortoise plushie is ready!

This little Felt Tortoise Plushie makes a great pocket companion for kids of all ages! Easy to make and perfect for sewing beginners!

Isn’t this little guy absolutely adorable? There are many things you can do with this felt tortoise plushie – you can turn it into a key chain or bag charm, you can use it as a hanging ornament, or stick a safety pin and pin it on your jacket or bag. Don’t forget to check out our list of more felt plushies for kids, and you can build yourself quite a collection with them!

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