Happy New Year people :)

Sharing is caring!

Hope you all had a wonderful time in 2011 and 2012 turns out much much better 🙂
Do mail me a kiddie recipe for YumTum Wednesdays .. and a Childrens book review by Thursday.. If I get emails from more than one of you, I’ll just schedule the latest post for next week? How does that sound? 🙂 I’m so looking forward to hearing from you guys..

For all you folks who took part in Artsy-Craftsy-Dec .. Muah n Hugs. You people keep me inspired.  🙂 I will reveal the winners soon. and if you have suggestions for AC – Jan 2012, do mail me pls..

My 2012 started with some decisions hopefully in the rt direction.. I got myself a complete checkup at the Gyneacs including a pap smear. I’m determined to tackle that PCOS head on.. Have also scheduled a full dental checkup this week. Hopefully no surprises there.. I’m also thinking of getting a lasik surgery for my eyes sometime this year.. I have -1.5 Power thats constant from many many years.. I am tired of Specs and lenses .. Gosh I do want some permanent solutions. I also need to put some concrete plans in place to control my weight gain.. I feel very optimistic.. I feel determined. and I know I can do it. 🙂

As a kid I always believed that what ever I do on the 1st I would keep doing it the whole year.. LOL. I remember waking up early on the1st and studying. Not that it did much good 😉 .. But the 1st day always fills me with hope and I so look forward to the new year. I really hope that 2012 is not the end of the world as the mayans believed. I have so much to do .. so much to experience and live and cherish.

Do you think I’m a hopeless optimist?? 🙂

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  1. I agree to Sandhya 🙂

    Wishing you a 2012 of happiness, and great health 🙂

    Errr..just to make you feel better…I am a -6!!!! and in love with my specs 🙂

  2. Happy new year 🙂
    And a healthy year ahead is very important.
    Pap smear Test strikes me that I also need to do these tests.
    I had a LASIK done too from Bangalore 2 years back and Iam free from specs and lenses since then
    Happy new year again

  3. @Sandhya 🙂 I guess so..
    @R’s mom : that did not make me feel better :p .. I am very forgetful and keep losing my specs big time.. and i hate wearing specs or lens while i’m cooking or when it rains.
    @Varada – Ahh that too 🙂 Need to try out some artsy-craftsy stuff this year for sure.
    @deepa 🙂 Hope u had a fab time in Dubai.. Saw the fireworks @ burj khalifa .. whoa what a sight.
    @arti.. Its a simple procedure.. takes seconds.. Do it. n yay! another successful case for lasik. I so so want to get it done.
    @Vidya – Thanks and same to you 🙂 .. Hugs.

  4. a very happy new year Shruti..
    May this year bring the best of all to you and your family..
    keep rocking lady.. you are the inspiration for all of us..
    losing weight – pls include me too 🙁

  5. Yay to the optimist !!!
    Wishing you and yours a fab 2012 Shruti 🙂 You’re on the right track… keep forging ahead !!

  6. Wishing you great success in this new year dear… It was a nice read and sure your optimism is very contagious..:)
    I wish I knew some for of craft to join you folks but even then I will support just by looking at all the wonderful works of you talented people..:))