Lil P in the last 3 years
Memorable incidents in the past 3 years of our lives…
Ages 2 – 2.10 (now)
1. We go to a wedding reception and are still waiting in the long queue for our turn to wish the bride n groom.. lil P bored of waiting walks right up the stage and stands firmly in between the surprised couple for a good 10 minutes posing at photographers ..
2. IPL fever at home.. lil P is our official umpire at home.. gestures 4, 6 , out, wide and leg bye [ will post the utube video soon]
3. sings rhymes that baffle both mommy n pappa!!
4. Can recite her dad’s mobile number , numbers from 1 – 50, all 26 alphabets small n big, car number, school name, class , dad’s name, mom’s name, her name.. 20 colors.. ( light and dark) , puts a 16 piece puzzle on her own, plays memory game with 8 pairs of similar cards, dances to genda phool, loves shahrukh khan..
5. sings raghupati raghav raja ram & gayatri mantra in the loo..
6. says thank you for everything.. even if u feed her med which she hates, she will promptly say thank you pappa!
7. wants to do everything on her own.. eats with a fork, can wear her own T-shirt, socks, shoes and pants.. n promptly calls herself a good girl!
8. can ride her tricycle
9. Loves birthdays !!
10. Teaches everything shez learnt at school to her stuffed rabbit
11. Is terrified of water in any big form ( even water fountain and sadly the beach too)
12. brushes her teeth twice a day.
13. actually started talking 2 words at a time from age 2 year 3 months
14. Moved from security of asha aunty’s care to a commercial day care.
15. gave 2 school interviews – failed 1, cleared 1.. joined school.
16. moved into third house after her birth.. made new friends all over again 🙂 so proud of u for that!!
17. weighs 12 kgs..
18. Chucked Diapers completely
Ages 1 – 2
1. Loves to put kumkum to every lady who comes home..
2. would travel 14 kms one way everyday with mommy to reach day care..
3. danced to darde disco ..
4. relished eating curd with both hands.. called herself dahi joker!
5. started sleeping on the side bed ( for few hours every nt)
6. would get terribly car sick if we travelled more than 1 hr.
7. discovered that you were allergic to few food stuffs..
8. Ajji (nani) went back to adoda (nana) at bgm. Moved under the care of asha aunty’s family.
9. realised that you shared a love of animals just like your mommy..
Ages 0 – 1
1. Celebrated your 1st bday and gruhapravaesh on the same day .. Moved into our own Home.
2. Stopped breast feeding
3. grew to be a really chubby and happy baby under nani’s care..
4. adjusted to having mommy join office when u were just 5 months old.
4. had ur tryst with maids.. did not work out n nani had to rush to our aid.
5. battled low weight (2.5 kg) , intolerance to lactogen and jaundice after birth..
6. was born on 11th sept,06 thro C-section. you were just 36 weeks in my womb then.
WOW lovely post- snippets of past 3 years, was fun to read.
‘put kumkum to every lady who comes home’ – Very cute 🙂
It is fun isn’t it.. I couldn’t remember many things that she did.. 3 years a long time! Love ur blog.. reminds me of good days 🙂 thanks for the comment.
Hey shruthi..loved your blog!My younger daughter is born on the 11th sept as well,though it’s 2011..:)