Lookie.. I’m famous!!
Just found this
Doesn’t it remind you of this???
If any of you do attend this weekend craft activity, do let me know what else was copied from our finger painting series…
I have sent then an email to take it down or atleast add a link back to my blog. I’m not famous or anything, but they could have just asked or dropped me a line / email .. I would have happily gone there to teach too!!
Internet Plagiarism is quite annoying. Credit should be given where it is due. I can totally relate to how you are feeling right now.
Err..you do remember my post where I had put up these pics na….but I credited you and all…we had tried this out..R and me…these guys are so besharam! bah to them! you are the bestest okie 🙂
Didn’t expect Hippocampus to do this. Those guys are actually so good! I wonder why they did this?
What a pity- not expected from Hippo- maybe their vendor did it… let us wait for their response
But ur really famous!!
@R’s mom: Hey.. its ok if u are inspired and make one of your own.. that is entirely yours.. I don’t claim copyright to the craft.. but i do claim copyright to the pictures from my blog..
@creative mama: They haven’t yet replied to my email 🙁
@sandhya: I know. its sad.
Cool! On becoming famous that is 😀
Their act is annoying indeed. But thankfully they have not cropped out the part that has the watermark.
@priya : it still doesn’t mean a thing.. Watermark is just to discourage ppl from copying. A link back to my blog is what I expect of them!
sorry for what happened…they should realise themselves.we should be careful in future.indeed nice colourful creation yaar.you remind my old work.hav done this kind of thumb painting ,long back on my fabric painting series…will post in future.
Shameless act shruthi.
Congratulations Shruti on the article.
That’s a lovely photo and great credit for the awesome work you do with art.