Mother’s Day Craft – Crepe paper flower

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Happy mother’s day to all you lovely moms out there.
Lil P’s entry in our lives was not a planned one.. I won’t kid when I say that it was unexpected and we were both excited & overwhelmed at the same time. The pregnancy however was a breeze.. I never vomited… I felt great .. I think I fell in love when I first heard her heartbeats. What a gorgeous feeling that was.. I kept looking at Hubby and we both had happy tears.. I always secretly hoped that it was a girl. [ India has a rule against sex determination] and quietly relished her soft kicks.. When the doctor handed me the baby and said its a girl.. That moment I think defined Me!

I don’t have natural motherly instincts .. Breast feeding was a struggle.. I puked the first time I cleaned her poop, Its been a learning experience for both of us and we did find our rhythm.. Someone rightly said, Having a child is like letting your heart walk around you … Some days, I just want to hold her tight and keep her safe with me .. yet a mother needs to be able to let their child fall.. fail .. spread her wings and fly

But one thing motherhood has taught me is  a supreme respect for my mother.. I can’t imagine how much she might have struggled when we [ me & my sis ] were kids.. Going to work, then quitting work to be with us.. then helping my dad with his business, coaching us for our studies, she managed it all. Through it all she developed a love of paints and books in us. Crafting and painting under my mom’s guidance created a magical bond that I want to pass on to my daughter .. I hope the blog will help in a small way.


This mother’s day, I made Crepe Paper Flowers. A magnet transformed this flower into a cute fridge magnet and I stuck another crepe paper flower onto card stock to make a flowery Mother’s day card for mom. Which version do you like better? Using it as a card or fridge magnet?

For my daughter’s 5th Birthday which was a flower themed party, I had used scores of tissue papers to make huge crepe paper pom pom flowers ..;. nearly 30 of them. Crepe paper is very versatile that way.. As Mother’s day fast approached, I was wondering what to gift my mom when the crepe paper flowers just popped in my mind.
You’ll need – 
– Pink crepe paper or tissue paper 3 inches  x 18 inches wide
– Green card stock for te leaves
– A shiny sequin or artificial accents
– Glue
–  A round magnet
– Scissors
Steps – 
– Trace 6 circles using a glass or bowl onto the crepe paper
– Cut them to form six circles.
– Take the circles and place on top of each other.
– Fold them to form a semicircle and then a quarter.
– Carefully cut from the edges halfway to form ridges.
– Open , scrunch and paste them, carefully layering one on top of the other
– Cut two leaves from the cardstock  and paste underneath the flower
– Glue the sequin in the center of the flower.
– Glue the magnet at the back to have your fridge magnet ready
This can be made by dads for their wife .. by kids for their mothers & grandmothers and by mothers for their own mothers too 🙂 If a fridge magnet idea doesn’t interest you, you can turn it into a special card for your loved one

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  1. That is soooooooooooo true.. motherhood has increased my respect and love for my mom too.. and I know exactly what you mean… All the emotions are so well written.. and each one so true.. and touches every cord in my heart..

  2. Nice tips. It is actually incomprehensible opinion now, but also from general, that usefulness in addition to significance is usually overwhelming. Thanks once again and all the best.

  3. lovely motherly way of words u have used..i just recollected me being mom with my small one :)lovely words 🙂