Picnic at the Martin’s farm, Bangalore
Picnic at the Martin’s farm, Bangalore
We had heard a lot about the Martin’s farm on Sarjapur road and decided to go visiting this weekend. It is quite easy to find and is located near the Carmelaram railway station off Sarjapur road.
We reached there around 11 Am and were greeted by all the farm animals – Guinea pigs, tortoises, rabbits, a goat and its kid, cows mooing away, horses, sheep , pigs and a baby donkey walking freely around the farm. The caretaker took us around and we could hold the rabbits, tortoise and pet all the animals there. We rarely get to do that in Bangalore and unlike zoos in the US, In India we don’t get to pet any animals and Martin’s farm was a sort of a first for us.
There were a lot of birds too.. but most of them were in cages except the pigeons.. We saw the chirpy zebra finch, emus strutting their stuff.. , cock, parrots, cockatoos, hens, ducks and turkeys.
The farm is a lush green area spread over 2 acres with a farm house, where the owners stay, a mini ground, lots of trees and a play area for the kids.. We explored the farm and was happy that Lil P recognised a few trees .. There was maize, jack fruit, guava, tomatoes, berries, chiccko, Neem , Cashew,Custard apple and lots and lots of mango trees with tiny mangoes sprouting..
So what all did we do there? There were some tyre swings hung on a mango tree. Lil P loved swinging on that.. we fed beans to the goats and the donkeys, carrots to the rabbits.. petted the horse & other animals.. tried climbing mango trees, collected feathers and fallen leaves as keepsakes.. enjoyed with other kids in the play area and had a great time in all..
It was such a peaceful place.. not very far from where we stayed yet it felt like we were visiting some other city. We had packed some Mc Donald’s burgers for lunch and had a picnic under the shade of a mango tree.. Its a no plastic zone and we were doubly careful not to leave any junk behind.. Only thing missing was a hammock and a good book and I’d have permanently camped out there. How lucky for the kids growing up on a farm in the middle of a bustling metro!!
Here is what all you could try doing on a trip to a farm..
1. Record the names of the animals on the farm
2. Record & discuss about their food habits..
3. Have a fun game trying to name their young ones.. Lil P corrected her dad that young one of a goat is a kid and not a lamb..
4. Collect fallen feathers to form a collage of the birds..You can then paste the bird pictures against each feather
5. Collect leaves of each fruit tree .. of course you can’t carry back a banana or a coconut leaf :p
6. Collect fallen flowers to dry press them in books..
7. and finally sing Mr Martin has a farm .. e-i-e-i-o.. and on that farm he had some goats
at the top of your voice on your way back home!! What fun 🙂
The Martin Farm is open to visitors seven days a week from 10 am to 6 pm. Do call +91 80 6570 0638 between 9:30 am to 6 pm
More details at their blog – http://themartinfarm.blog.com/
The Martin Farm Bangalore
33 Carmelaram Post,
Sarjapur Road, Chikkabelandur,
Bangalore – 560035
Tel: +91 98457 79666 (between 9am and 5pm)
Email: [email protected]
**Edited to add –
The farm is owned and run by Ossie and Marie Martin and is known as the Martin Farm. Gerry is their son and runs a conservation initiative called the Gerry Martin Project.
**Edited (Jan 8th 2015)- We visited the farm in 2012 and loved it. I heard complaints recently from a few people who visted, that it is not maintained well. Please do visit after you have read some more recent reviews.
Amazing place this looks like! The pictures are such vibrant and fun!
I assume this is in/around Bangalore?
Shruti..I just loved ur farm visit.We just loved the same.
Wow! What amazing pictures of a favourite place of ours!
BTW, the wrought iron swing on which Lil P is sitting is the same that I wrote about in an earlier post- it belonged to Gerry’s mom-in-law who stays at my apartment complex, and she had moved it some time before my post to Gerry’s farm. Am nostalgic!
@Rashmie – Yes, In Bangalore. Its a farm run by National Geographic Adventurer, Gerry Martin;
@Ashu – Its great for kids. 🙂 Did you visit it too?
@Sandhya – 🙂
Wow what fun!
Shruti…love ur writings…a best place to visit with kids around….nice photos
WAH! I loved those pictures :)and loved Lil’P as well
What a beautiful place! And you took such lovely photos. I bet that was a really fun and memorable day 🙂
We pass through this road everyday on the way home-but never had the time to go in and spend the day!
After reading your updates and many others’ we should plan a day out I think. I loved the goat drinking milk picture 😀
Oh…its a new information…we are planning to visit this place in this summer vacation. Thnx for the post…
Hi Shruthi…Can I know what are the charges for the farm visit?
Rs 100 per person.. I think kids are free.
Thank you Sruthi…
Wow, such a beautiful place! Your photos are fantastic too! Thanks so much for sharing with Tuesday Tots.
Such a gorgeous place.. wow!! Bet you had some awesome fun.. 🙂 So nice to have places like this.. close by.. so you can visit.. lovely!! Im a little envious.. 🙂