Rocking Pirate Ship Craft for Kids

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Here’s a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love – it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

You’d think stories about pirates would all feature them as menacing thieves, but surprisingly, that is not the case! They have quite differing personalities, ranging from menacing (Captain Hook) to quirky (Captain Jack Sparrow) to downright cute (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)!

Well, today’s pirate is in that latter category, and what’s more interesting is that he has a ship he can rock on – quite literally! Take out your craft papers and markers – we’re making a rocking pirate ship craft today!

Rocking Pirate Ship Craft for Kids

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

Supplies required:

  • Colored craft papers
  • Colored cardstock paper
  • Pencil
  • Sharpie
  • Craft glue
  • A pair of scissors

How to make the Rocking Pirate Ship Craft:

1. Download and print the Rocking Pirate Ship Craft template. The template includes everything you need to make the pirate and his ship, like the base, sail, pole, and flag.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

2. Trace the parts of the template on card stock or thick craft paper of the appropriate colors. We’ve chosen a brown for the ship base and kept the sail white so we can color it in later. As for the flag, well, pirates are known to fly black flags with a skull and crossbones! Cut out the patterns once you’ve traced them.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

3. Let’s start our rocking pirate ship craft with the person who will sail it – the pirate! Take the pirate piece and stick the bandana on the top. Add facial features with a black Sharpie – don’t forget the eye patch!

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

4. Put aside the pirate – we’re moving on to the ship. We’ll start with the sail and flag – stick the black flag at one end of the pole. Take the sail and use a red Sharpie or marker to add stripes as shown below. 

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

5. Attach the striped sail to the pole, right under the flag. Put the sail-pole combination aside.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

6. Take the ship base circle and fold it in half to get a semicircle, as shown below.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

7. Open the fold and you’ll find a crease running across the circle. Stick the bow and stern (front and back) cutouts at opposite ends of the crease, as shown below.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

8. Fold the base back in half, along the same crease. You now have a rocking structure with two projections on either end. That’s the base of your rocking pirate ship craft!

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

9. Stick the little window circles in a line on the front of the base. 

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

10. Stick the two stripes on the base, one above and one below the line of circles, so it looks like the circles are sandwiched between the strips.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

11. Attach the anchor piece to the curved bottom edge and the base of your rocking pirate ship craft is ready!

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

12. Time to put everything together! Take the sail pole and apply glue to the bottom end of the pole. Attach it on the back of the base of the ship, so it pops up from the folded edge. Bring back your pirate – this is a good time to give him an outfit with markers, like the striped one we’ve drawn here.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

13. All that’s left to do is to attach your pirate to the top of the ship. Place the pirate on the side opposite to the anchor, so that your rocking pirate ship craft is balanced and rocks properly.

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

Now place your rocking pirate ship craft on a flat surface resting on the two curved edges of the ship’s base. Give it a gentle tap from one end and watch it rock to and fro!

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

If you have a white or silver metallic marker, you can also consider drawing a skull and crossbones on the black flag – it would give the pirate ship a nice touch!

If you like pirate crafts, you may enjoy making these:

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

Here's a rocking pirate ship craft that kids will love - it includes a cute little pirate too! The fact that the ship rocks makes it great for the high seas!

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