S for Shark Craft with a Printable Template
Make this adorable S for Shark Craft using our Printable Template that’s perfect for shark week, Sea Creatures, Ocean Study or while studying the letter S.
We move on to our next A to Z Alphabet Animal Craft with the Letter S. This craft is from our eBook – A to Z Alphabet Animal Crafts for Kids.
Start summer off with a splash! Shark Week starts June 26th and it’s right around the time summer camp starts. So if you’re a shark lover and want to add a shark craft theme to your activity program, it’s time to start planning!
S for Shark Craft with a Printable Template
Supplies needed to make this S for Shark Craft:
- Printable Template
- White Felt or Construction Paper or craft foam sheets
- Black Felt or Construction Paper or craft foam sheets
- An old CD
- Scissors
- Glue Gun or Glue stick if using paper.
- Googly Eyes
Steps to make this S for Shark Craft:
Print the Craft template on an A4 or Letter Sized paper. Cut out all the parts – the black head, the fins and the under belly. Use these cutout templates as your reference points and trace onto Felt. We used a 2mm stiff felt to make this craft. Alternately, you could use construction paper or craft foam in similar colors.
Glue the black body to the CD first. Glue the underbelly as shown. Then add the fins at the sides.
Glue the Nose and finally, Glue on Googly eyes and you are done.
This printable S for Shark craft is perfect for Kids aged 5 and above and improves their fine motor skills, visual perception, and hand-eye coordination. Parents and teachers can also make these at home or class and have their child or students assemble it independently. These crafts can be made by teachers and used as props, puppets, or even for classroom decoration.
Also, check out our post – Printable Under the sea theme – Shape Match
If you homeschool, run a childcare, or teach any elementary aged kids, this S for Shark Craft would be a great supplement to your Letter of the week curriculum. Add this fun craft project when you are studying about Shark Week, Summer Fun, Beach Safety, Ocean Animals, or letter S. These prehistoric predators have a reputation for ruling the deep sea, but more than ever their existence is under threat due to Human Interference.
Here are some fun facts about the Shark
- Sharks can smell a drop of blood in 1 million drops of water
- Baby sharks are called pups
- The most dangerous sharks are the Great White Shark, the Hammerhead Shark, the Tiger Shark, the Mako Shark and the Bull Shark
- Sharks never run out of teeth, if they lose one another spins forward from rows and rows of backup teeth – A shark may grow and lose 20, 000 teeth in its lifetime!
Here are some Shark Books that go with this craft