To my dad

Sharing is caring!

Dearest Pappa,
I have never really been able to express my love towards you in words.. or appreciated you for the little moments in life we’ve shared. Father’s day seems to be the right day to tell you how…
My daddy dearest
  • I love you for dressing us for school. You even learnt to tie our ponytails. They would turn out cross but we were proud girls showing them off at school.
  • I love you for dancing silly over Michael Jackson songs..
  • I love you for taking us for umpteen piggy back rides
  • I love you for being the ever-ready hugger.
  • I love you for being the one to buy sweets and celebrate our smallest victories
  • I love you for being an awesome cook
  • I love you for being my morning walk partner, my alarm clock, my good night kisser.
  • I love you for being my driving teacher
  • I love you for remarking that you’d send me to US  but not to Delhi, alone. For having caught the next flight to Delhi just so that your daughter could be safe from dangers you perceived she was in.
  • I love you for sending off a stubborn daughter on a train alone when she had high fever.. and then catch the next train just to make sure she was ok.


My daddy wittiest


  • I loved you when my MIL jokingly asked for 2lakh dowry..and you remarked tongue in cheek that You were giving 4L in cash.That was my salary then 😉
  • Or when the In-laws called to say PC was off to kashi (as part of the marriage rituals) and now is the chance to stop him.. you remarked – Oh! he must be telling u that hes going to kashi.. he must be on his way to BGM (where I was ) Just check with him. Where will he go without my daughter.  


My daddy strongest


  • When you decided that u wanted to restart your business from scratch, It showed strength of character & belief that anything is possible and what matters is that we are together.. and with hard work, everything that is lost can be regained. I truly admire your strength and resilience.


My daddy wisest


  • When I decided to get married to PC, it was you who supported it all through. I can never never forget your words and thank you enough for it.


“Don’t be sad, We are not giving away a daughter, we are getting a son.
Don’t be stubborn, bend a little and convince others to bend a little.
Don’t stop dreaming, love, respect, grow.
Don’t be vain, be proud of who you are as an individual, as a wife, as a mother, as a person.
Don’t be afraid, we are here for u.. in your joys, in your sorrow, today, tomorrow, forever. “
Happy father’s day!
Leaving you guys with a fav pic of mine – my dad with my daughter 


This is my contribution to Blogadda’s Tribute to dad contest.
This tee from pringoo rightly sums up my post 🙂 . Thank you blogadda and pringoo for giving me this opportunity.





Have all merit



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  1. I luvvvvved this post Shru 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Ha ha ha .. lol @ 4 lakhs dowry 😛 😛

    I luvvvvv that picccc 😀 😀

  2. Wow he did all of that?! In that generation, for a father to be a part of the children’s lives was not common… or easy

    I love the dowry comment 🙂

  3. @swapna: I’m a day late.. But We don’t need a day to celebrate the joy dads bring to our lives rt?
    @arundhati: yup he was a very hands on dad. More fussy than my mom. She was more independant n strict. He was a child among us 🙂
    @Lavanya: ohhh hes an absolute foodie. Loves to experiment and drive my mom crazy . hehe.
    @Bubble catcher. He is soo much fun. n I can see him being the same with lil p. its a beautiful sight.
    @Vidya: 🙂 ya. I really never thanked him enough. He has his quirks but he is the best dad to his daughters.

  4. Very nice post Shruti. Am sure your dad is proud because of the wonderful daugther you are and everything that you are accomplishing! My regards to him!

  5. @r’s mom: dads are sweet 🙂
    @uday: Will take a printout soon and send this to him.
    @swaram: doesn’t lil p look cute? n both their faces display such joy. 🙂
    @momo’s mom: yup.
    @abha: Do they? We shud get them to meet once 🙂
    @SG: will do.
    @Shilpa: thank u.
    @Dil se: yup. thats my plan. I’m just waiting for the contest to end tomorrow. In case I don’t win, I’m thinking of getting it printed and framed for him 🙂
    @PV: I wish I could share my dad with u.. or better still somehow give u back ur dad. I really really wish. Hugsss.

  6. Awww such a sweet sweet post..and you could be writing about my dad!!All these things are what I would say about him…including..starting back from scratch!!hugs sweetie..and when u meet uncle again,give him a big hug for me!lotsa love

  7. Oh..such a sweet post Shruti! Your dad must be feeling so happy 🙂
    Loveeee the pic!and the witty comments 🙂
    Awesome words of guidance and encouragement!Wonderful dad you have 🙂

  8. @Shankari: Hes a good man 🙂
    @Trish: will do 🙂
    @priya: ya. n when i show him this hes gonna say.. I’m just any normal dad. But i’m sure he’ll cry tears of joy when hes alone.
    @Bikramjit: thank you. 🙂
    @Iya: dads are the best!! 🙂

  9. @lostworld: all my kiddie pics are with mom. she won’t part with them even for a day. 🙂 Will try to get 1 with all 4 of us together when i next go to my hometown.

  10. @Meira: No have given it for lamination. I heard from swaram that blogadda had sent a framed copy to her mother when she won. I’m just waiting till friday n then i’ll courier my letter to him myself 🙂

  11. Easily my favorite post of your blog
    preserve this for Lil P , she will be able to appreciate her grand father even better

    PS. how do i subscribe to the posts, am not getting them in google reader, though I am following this blog 🙁

  12. That brought tears to my eyes…aren’t fathers wonderful !!! Its a loving letter full of warmth !! Loved it so much !!! 🙂