You know you’ve not been to a theatre in a long long time when …
Hubby dearest assumes that the 2 stars across karthik calling karthik (on a white board outside the theatre) are its rating!!
In other news, Lil p had to go dressed to school as a doctor as part of feb’s theme – People at work. Madam wore a pink chudidar, a doctors coat with a red plus sign on the left pocket and her name on the right pocket (her instructions) carrying a pink stethoscope.
Have a look at my 2 ponied doctor.. any 1 in need of some TLC??
Aww she looks sooo sweet 🙂
Ahoo ahoo .. am coughing n cn do with a check-up 😛
So, what ws ur last movie 😉
Awww… i love this mini-doc! 😀 😀 and the steth is so very cool. Now i want to exchange mine with her! Ask her if she is interested in “swap” 😀 😀
Oh I just finished my annual health check up last week. Wish lil P was in this attire sometime back 😉
baby gorgeous I would say with the ‘P’ink stetho 😀
Ohh so sweet..She is soo cute.I am curious too..which was the last movie that you watched in Theatre?
Dr. P looks very cute…are doctors allowed to be so precious?!
Such a pretty n cute doctor….hey I need some TLC !!!
As long as doc ‘dear’little doesn’t give me injections!!!;-)
you didn’t ask li’l P if she would like to swap her cutie steth with dreadful grey, real one with me??? boo hoo hoo.. i want pink one!! waaaaaaaaa..
@sakhi – u r a doc???!!! She won’t swap anything pink..
@mohan – baby gorgeous… – I like!! 🙂
@swaram & trishna: Thanks. We watched valentine’s day n 3 idiots after avatar. the 3rd movie together after 3.5 years!!! err.. i don’t remember the movies we watched before that.. we usually picked the most boring ones 😉
@starry: I know I know.. but she refused to pose this time!! Wish I had a better pic to share.
@neeelum : Ghar aa jao. or shud i ship Dr. P over to malaysia??.. We are dying for some 1:1 time anyways!!
awwww! very very cool shruti!! 🙂
i would love to to get some TLC from a cute doc like that! 🙂
Awwwwwwwww……what a cute little doc 🙂
Anchoo..Anchoo, can i get an appointment please 🙂 ?
Cute! Ash has the exact same doctor’s set 🙂
Awww.. i was SO expecting to have the pink steth… it looks so cool! 😀 😀
Lotsa love to her! 😀
P.S. yes i am a doc! 🙂
Soooooooo cute:)
what is it with pink?..favourite with all the little girls!!