Z for Zebra Craft with a Printable Template
Make this adorable Z for Zebra Craft using our Printable Template that’s perfect for learning about the Savannah, wild animals, the horse family or the Letter Z.
We move on to our next A to Z Alphabet Animal Craft with the Letter Z. This craft is from our eBook – A to Z Alphabet Animal Crafts for Kids.
The Zebra is an animal that we probably mention the most everyday – when we talk about zebra crossings! While the crossings have alternating black and white stripes that appear the same everywhere, every zebra’s stripes are in a unique pattern. Isn’t that amazing? Let’s learn more about the zebra with a fun craft!
Z for Zebra Craft with a Printable Template
Supplies needed to make this Z for Zebra Craft:
- Printable Template
- White Felt or Construction Paper or craft foam sheets
- Black Felt or Construction Paper or craft foam sheets
- Dark Brown Felt or Construction Paper or craft foam sheets
- An old CD
- Scissors
- Glue Gun or Glue stick if using paper.
- Googly Eyes
Steps to make this Z for Zebra Craft:
Print the Craft template on an A4 or Letter Sized paper. Cut out all the parts – the white head and outer ears as well as the brown nostrils and mouth. Out of black felt, cut out the inner ears, the stripe bits, the nose and hair. Use these cutout templates as your reference points and trace onto Felt. We used a 2 mm stiff felt to make this craft. Alternately, you could use construction paper or craft foam in similar colors.
Glue the face to the CD first. Stick the inner ears on top of the outer ears and glue them to the back. Assemble the nose, the nostrils and the mouth in the correct positions.
Add the tufts of hair on the top of the head by gluing at the back. Add on the stripe bits and the googly eyes and you are done.
This printable Z for Zebra craft is perfect for Kids aged 5 and above and improves their fine motor skills, visual perception, and hand-eye coordination. Parents and teachers can also make these at home or class and have their child or students assemble it independently. These crafts can be made by teachers and used as props, puppets, or even for classroom decoration.
Also, check out our post – Printable Zebra Paper Crown
If you homeschool, run a childcare, or teach any elementary aged kids, this Z for Zebra Craft would be a great supplement to your Letter of the week curriculum. Add this fun craft project when you are studying about the Savannah, the horse family, wild animals or the Letter Z.
Here are some fun facts about the Zebra
- Zebras stand while sleeping
- When chased, zebras run from side to side rather than in a straight line
- Zebras can rotate their ears in any direction and use it to show their mood
- When faced by a predator, zebras form a semicircle to keep it away, and they also gather around another injured zebra to prevent further attack
Here are some Zebra Books that go with this craft