10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids

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With World Whale Day coming up on 16th February, it’s the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

What special day do you think of as soon as February rolls around? Pretty sure it’s Valentine’s Day, but there’s another special day this month. It’s related to the largest mammals in the world – can you guess? Yes, it’s World Whale Day!

World Whale Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of February, which is 16th this year. This special day aims at spreading awareness about these magnificent creatures of the ocean, especially about the problems they encounter. 

Kids these days are quite aware about the amount of plastic waste we are dumping into the ocean, and this is one of the biggest threats to whales today. This World Whale Day, it’s a great opportunity to educate kids even further, and let them know how their actions impact creatures across the world. As always, the best way to learn is through doing, and making crafts!

10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

1. Egg Carton Whale Craft

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

How cute is this little whale made out of egg cartons? I Heart Crafty Things surely knows how to make the best out of waste, by recycling old egg cartons and adding some craft paper and pipe cleaners to the mix!

2. Easy Origami Whale Craft

origami crafts for kids

Love Origami? We sure do! That’s why we love this adorable little whale made out of Origami paper. Make it stand vertically on an ‘ocean’ made of blue paper to resemble its habitat!

3. Upcycled K-Cup Whale Craft

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

This cute craft from Craft Create Cook is made with K cups, but you can just as well make it with little paper cups too. Don’t forget to add googly eyes on your cute whale friend!

4. Whale Paper Craft

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

Krokotak has a lovely whale craft that’s elegant in its simplicity. There aren’t too many steps, as the pictorial instructions show, but the effect is no less incredible!

5. DIY Whale Phone Holder

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

If you’ve got an ocean fan among your friends or family, this phone holder from Doodle and Stitch would make a great gift! Made out of air drying clay, this is a breeze to make and paint!

6. Recycled Plastic Egg Whale Craft

This recycled plastic egg whale craft is the perfect example of turning trash into treasure! Reuse empty plastic eggs and paper scraps to make this craft.

Easter is coming up, and you’ll soon end up with lots of plastic eggs, which calls for plastic egg crafts! And we recommend this plastic egg whale as an easy project for beginners!

7. Whale Craft with Free Template

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

Buggy and Buddy has a super easy craft for young kids, complete with a free printable to download. Just download, print and paint the whale in any color of your choice!

8. Easy Whale Corner Bookmark

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

We just love the assortment of corner bookmarks at Red Ted Art, and these whale ones are so quirky! Like the others, these are super easy to make too, including that wide grin!

9. Cupcake Liner Whale Craft

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

Got cupcake liners? Then put them to good use – by making a whale! The Pinterested Parent shows us how to make a blue whale in this interesting project that uses multiple techniques.

10. DIY Felt Whale Bookmark

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

If you’ve got a sewing beginner at home, this felt whale bookmark from Think Crafts would be a good project to try. Try to be a little more adventurous with different colors for the whale!

With World Whale Day coming up on 15th February, it's the perfect time to learn more about whales with these 10 Wonderful Whale Crafts for Kids!!

While you’e on the topic of whales, you might also like to try out other ocean-theme crafts like printable ocean theme pom pom mats, a paper plate octopus, a paper weaving sea horse or a recycled cd shark craft. If you’d like something more open ended, you can’t go wrong with our underwater drawing prompt sheets!

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