Adorable Clay Angel Craft for Kids

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Here’s a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It’s not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

When I see pictures of certain magnificent sculptures, I’m really in awe – how on earth did the artist even make that! Michelangelo‘s David, Rodin’s The Thinker, Picasso‘s Guitar and so many more examples exist as proof of sheer talent.

If you’ve seen these sculptures and marveled at them and wondered about trying it out yourself, clay is a good place to start. Clay crafts are great for beginners, and since this is the festive season, we’ve got a cute little clay angel craft for kids and adults to make!

Adorable Clay Angel Craft for Kids

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

Supplies required:

  • Air-dry clay or foam clay in different colors
  • Clay crafting tools
  • Clay rolling board/ acrylic board
  • Clay rolling pin

How to make the Clay Angel Craft for Kids:

1. Gather all the colors of clay that you’ll need for your clay angel craft for kids – light blue, beige, white, pink, yellow and gold.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

2. The base of our angel craft is light blue, so let’s start with that. Take out a big chunk of blue clay and a smaller chunk. The big one is for the body, while the little one is for the hands.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

3. Take the large piece of blue clay and shape it into an oval. Make one end of the oval pointier/narrower than the other. The wider part will be the base.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

4. Flatten the base by pressing it against a smooth and even surface, like a table.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

5. Now use a round tip tool to poke a hole under the figure – this will help your clay angel craft for kids stand up straight.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

6. Rest the base of the angel on the table. Make a sphere with beige clay and attach it on top of the body.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

7. Remember the small piece of blue clay from Step 2? Time to put that to use! Divide it into two parts and roll each into a cylindrical shape. Flatten the shapes and attach it on both sides of the angel’s body, right under the head.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

8. What would be the identifying feature of your clay angel craft for kids? Wings, of course! For this, take a piece of white clay and divide it into halves. Shape each half into a teardrop shape and flatten them. Straighten one edge of each wing so they look like the image below.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

9. Now attach the wings to the back of the angel’s body. Ooh, your clay angel craft for kids is taking shape!

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

10. Time for the golden clay – pinch out two pieces and shape them into leaves. This will be the angel’s hair, so make sure the pieces are large enough to cover the head. Once they’re ready, fix them on the head.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

11. Next, pinch out a piece of yellow clay. Roll it into a ball and then into a thin rope long enough to fit around the angel’s head. This is the halo for your clay angel craft for kids.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

12. Attach the two ends of the rope to make the halo and place it on the head.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

13. Now take a small piece of yellow clay and roll it into a ball. Then flatten it into a disc.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

14. Gently press the disc from three sides using your index finger and thumb to form a triangular shape. This is the angel’s bell.

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

15. Make a tiny ball out of yellow clay and attach it to one side of the angel’s bell. Next, attach the bell to the ends of the angel’s arms so it looks like the angel is holding it. 

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

16. Pinch out a small piece of pink clay, divide it into two pieces and roll them into balls. Flatten the balls into thin circles and attach them on the angel’s cheeks. Use a Sharpie or marker to draw eyes and your clay angel craft for kids is done!

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

We love how serene and happy this angel looks; it’s almost like she’s not ringing the bell because she doesn’t want to disturb you! This little angel would make a great stocking stuffer, or a decorative piece on your mantle or desk. It’s also an excellent option for a Secret Santa gift!

If you like crafting with clay, you’ll enjoy these projects too:

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

Here's a lovely little clay angel craft for kids to make with air-drying or foam clay. It's not too hard, and will make a lovely appearance on your mantle!

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