The 12 Best DIY Play Dough Recipes for Summer
There’s something inexplicably satisfying about squishing soft, smooth play dough in your hands, flattening it and rolling it with your palms and fingers. And any Mom who’s had a weaning baby will attest to the fact that kids love to squish things – whether it’s their dinner or their dough! That’s probably why there are so many DIY Play Dough recipes out there – we love some variety in this classic childhood essential!
But all that squishing isn’t just fun; it also has several benefits for children, even the little ones. Play dough helps kids develop the fine motor skills of their hands and fingers, which come in handy later when holding a pencil or a fork correctly. Play dough is also a child’s equivalent of a stress ball; all the squishing helps to calm them down and releases tension. Then, as with any open-ended play material, play dough has a host of possibilities to play with and stimulates creativity and the imagination.
Now that you’re convinced that play dough is the next best thing to sliced bread, let’s find out how we can make some play dough at home. Here are 12 of the best DIY Play dough recipes that are perfect for summer, so let’s get rolling!
The 12 Best DIY Play Dough Recipes for Summer
1. 2-ingredient Aloe Dough
Yes, you read that right – just 2 ingredients! With nothing more than aloe and corn starch, Smart School House creates an incredible-smelling, soft play dough that is both fun to play with as well as soothing to the senses. If you’re a beginner, this is the recipe for you!
2. Shaving Cream Play Dough
It’s fun to spray things around, whether it’s paint, fake snow or shaving cream! One Little Project has a simple but effective recipe for shaving cream play dough that infuses the airiness of the cream for some soft dough. Now here’s one play dough recipe you can have fun while making and afterward too!
3. Fairy Play Dough
Got a little princess at home who loves all things pink? Then this fairy play dough will be the latest addition to her list of princess-y stuff! This tutorial at Laughing Kids Learn uses three ingredients including strawberry scented hair conditioner to make sure it smells girly too!
4. Calming Lavender Play Dough
We know that play dough helps to relieve stress, so you can take that a step further by adding some lavender into the mix. Crafts on Sea has a recipe that includes actual lavender that looks really pretty, but if you like you can go ahead and color it purple too.
5. Glow-in-the Dark Play Dough
Summer’s a time when everyone spends many evenings outdoors, trying to get some fresh air and having fun in general. This is the perfect occasion for some glow in the dark fun, which you can use to impress your friends (or creep them out a little)! Get all the instructions at DIY Candy.
6. Cotton Candy Play Dough
Remember how we talked about the satisfaction of squishing play dough? Well, just imagine that feeling multiplied a hundred times, because that’s how this cotton candy play dough is going to make you feel! Nerdy Mamma shows you how you can make a super soft play dough right at home.
7. Edible Marshmallow Play Dough
In summer, marshmallows mean s’mores and campfires, but you wouldn’t think of them as play dough! Mom Dot goes ahead and combines two childhood favorites – marshmallows and play dough – into one incredible, edible dough! Go ahead, play with your food!
8. Sand Play Dough
It’s summer, you’ve been to the beach and enjoyed your time but you’re back home now. Yet, if you wish you could recreate the magic of the beach at home, Mama Papa Bubba has the answer in the form of a sand play dough recipe! Take out your shell collection and imagine you can hear the waves!
9. Lemonade Play Dough
What’s summer without some cold lemonade with ice? And you can enjoy that citrusy freshness even when you’re playing, with this lemonade play dough recipe from Teaching Mama. The recipe requires a fair bit of ingredients, but the result is bound to rejuvenate your entire home!
10. Galaxy Dough
If your child enjoys looking at the stars or is a Star Wars fan, then she’s sure to love this galaxy dough from Growing a Jeweled Rose! With it’s color and sparkles, this is one play dough that truly looks out of this world. If you don’t want black, try a deep navy or purple color.
11. Ice Cream Play Dough
If you have a little one who’s bound to eat everything within reach, give him this fun ice cream play dough from Smart School House, perfect for summer! With just two ingredients, this is one of those DIY play dough recipes that is ready in a jiffy!
12. Super-soft Swirl Play Dough
This super-soft swirl play dough recipe from Sweet as Honey is so pretty, you could just sit and look at them! In lovely pastel colors with just the right amount of craft glitter, this is one play dough recipe that looks pretty posh! The cream of tartar helps keep the dough super-soft up to a month.
So now you know what to do when the kids begin to complain that they’re bored on a hot summer’s day! Get them involved in making any of these DIY play dough recipes and they’ll be surprised at how easy it is! Try a different one each time and you won’t hear the boredom complaint again!
Kids love to play with this dough. My daughters favourite pass time was this in her last vacations. But she dont know much things to built with this dough. But this post is helpful for me to teach her new things to make. Thanks for this superb post.