15 Easy and Fun President’s Day Crafts for Kids
Check out our list of President’s Day Crafts that’ll help you learn more about George Washington and all the other presidents of the United States!
Most nations have special holidays to commemorate the birth anniversaries of their beloved leaders or historical figures. For instance, in India we have Gandhi Jayanti, to celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. However, there is one day in America that is dedicated to many different people, including those who are alive today – we’re talking about President’s Day!
Presidents’ Day was originally celebrated on the day of America’s first President George Washington’s birthday, which is on 22nd February. Later, it was moved to the third Monday of February so it could also celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on the 12th of February. Finally, it was decided to use the day to honor everyone who has ever served as the president of the United States and that’s how President’s Day is observed today.
So if you were thinking that you had to wait till the fourth of July to celebrate the red, white, and blue, don’t worry – President’s Day is a great opportunity to do it now! Today, we’ve got some simple President’s Day crafts for kids to make and learn about past presidents of the United States, particularly George Washington and Abe Lincoln – after all, it is their birthday month!
15 Easy and Fun President’s Day Crafts for Kids
1. President’s Day Paper Plate Mask
One of the advantages of having days like President’s Day is that children can learn about great personalities who are responsible for eradicating many social evils so we can all live freely today. Let kids try to imagine themselves as America’s most popular presidents with the help of these masks from The Primary Parade.
2. Uncle Sam and the Bald Eagle Craft
Even little kids can participate in President’s Day celebrations – with a fun handprint craft! It’ll delight them to see how hands messed up with paint can turn into a person or a bird – in this case, Uncle Sam and the bald eagle!
3. George Washington Paper Bag Puppet
One of the biggest achievements of George Washington’s is the drafting of the American constitution. In fact, he was the president of the convention that met to amend and draft the constitution. There are paintings that represent this scene, and kids can try to replicate the clothes he wore in it by dressing up a paper bag puppet as shown in Surviving a Teacher’s Salary.
4. Cardboard Tube Presidents
While we should encourage kids by saying that anyone can become President, Kix Cereal takes it a little further by turning cardboard tubes into presidents! We love how cleverly that cotton wool turns into Washington’s hair and Lincoln is represented by his beard and hat.
5. President’s Day Fact Workbook
President’s Day is meant to honor all the Presidents of the United States. Imagine if they could all be together in one place at once – now, that would be one power meeting! You can print this worksheet & do an activity to record all facts about some US Presidents
6. Printable Presidents Day Headbands
Fancy being a president yourself this President’s Day? Well, thanks to our President’s Day Headbands, you can! All you need to do is to download the printable and cut it out. There are both black and white as well as full-color options for you to choose from.
7. President’s Log Cabin Craft
It is a well-known fact that Abe Lincoln was born in a log cabin, to parents so poor that they couldn’t even read or write. From a background like that, Lincoln educated himself by borrowing books and from people around him – he even taught himself law! No Time for Flash Cards has a simple recycled craft using Popsicle sticks to create a version of Lincoln’s famous log cabin.
8. Paper Plate Presidents
If you can turn cardboard tubes into presidents, why not have some paper plate President’s Day crafts? Kix Cereal uses paper plates to create these very friendly-looking versions of two of America’s most popular presidents – George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
9. DIY George Washington Wig
George Washington was the first president of the United States, and he was made so in 1789. As a result, all pictures of Washington show him wearing a white wig, as was the custom during those times. Deceptively Educational shows you how you can make your very own Washington wig, and maybe create an entire costume out of it!
10. President Writing Craft
Mrs. Black Bees has some fun printables which represent the presidents and also feature space for you to write. You can use the space to write down some fun facts about them, or something from their lives which has inspired you the most.
11. President on a Stick
Surviving a Teacher’s Salary has a clever idea that makes use of the Presidents’ faces on coins – put them on a stick! These Popsicle stick finger puppets are super easy to make and you can make them for any President that is featured on a coin.
12. Mount Rushmore Craft Project
It’s hard to talk about the President’s Day crafts or presidents of the United States without talking about Mount Rushmore, the famous sculpture on the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Crafty Classroom shows us how we can create our own version of the sculpture, using clay – don’t worry if the faces aren’t accurate!
13. President’s Day Game
Do you have a game of ‘Guess Who’ lying around? Well, Inner Child Fun has the perfect idea to use it if you’re looking for President’s Day crafts and activities! They’ve even provided a printable that you can download and cut and replace the original cards of the game. Follow their instructions – it’ll prove to be quite educational along with lots of fun!
14. Abe Lincoln Hat Weaving Craft
Abraham Lincoln was a tall man; he was six feet and four inches tall! What’s more, his tall hat added to his height and made him look long and lean. It is said that he even stored important documents under that hat! Teaching Second Grade has a fun craft featuring Abe Lincoln’s hat with a twist – it has a fun weaving pattern added to it!
15. George Washington Preschool Craft
Small pox is an unheard of disease today, but it was common in Washington’s time, and quite dangerous too. However, George Washington did get the disease and recovered from it, which gave him lifelong immunity that sustained him when the illness ravaged the U.S. army later during the Revolutionary war. Let kids learn more about the steadfastness of the first U.S. president with this fun paper craft from The Crafty Classroom.
I’m sure these President’s Day crafts for kids have got you intrigued and you’d love to learn more about these inspiring individuals!
What are some fun Facts about Presidents?
Here are a few fun facts about American presidents that kids will love:
- James Madison was the shortest U.S. president at 5 feet 4″ inches and Abraham Lincoln was the tallest at 6 feet 4″
- Three presidents died on the fourth of July – John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe
- Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest U.S president at the age of 42, while Joe Biden is the oldest at 78 years
- George W. Bush is the only president to have an MBA degree
- William Henry Harrison is the only president to have studied medicine
- President Ronald Reagan was originally a movie actor
- Theodore Roosevelt is the one who gave the White House its name
- Teddy bears were named after Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt
- James Buchanan is the only U.S President who remained a bachelor throughout his life
- Benjamin Harrison is the first president to put up a Christmas tree in the White House, in 1889
- Chester A. Arthur loved luxury and clothing – he owned around 80 pairs of pants
- George W. Bush is the only president to have ever run a marathon