Easy Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft for Kids

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Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that’s also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

It’s always cute to see baby animals with their mothers, isn’t it? It’s a common sight around spring too, and it’s interesting to see how similar babies of all species are, especially in driving their Moms crazy!

That’s why mothers of young kids are constantly running around them, making sure they’re staying safe and not getting into any trouble. Sometimes you wish you had a little pocket you could put your little one in, at least for a short while!

Well, kangaroos are lucky in that regard – they have a little pouch just for this purpose! Today’s craft features one such Mama kangaroo along with other baby, and it sure is an adorable one to make!

Easy Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft for Kids

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

Supplies required:

  • Colored craft papers
  • Empty TP roll
  • Pencil
  • A pair of scissors
  • Craft glue
  • Sharpies

How to make the Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft:

1. Download the toilet paper roll kangaroo craft template. The template includes parts of the kangaroo, like head, ears, legs, arms, tail, pouch and eyes. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

2. Trace the parts of the template on craft paper and cut them out. You can choose a brown or orange for the kangaroo’s body parts, but it’s better to go for a lighter color for the pouch so it stands out. You’ll also need some pink for the inner ears and cheeks. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

3. Let’s start our toilet paper roll kangaroo craft by assembling the Mama kangaroo’s face. Stick the inner ear cutouts in the middle of the outer ear cutouts. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

4. Now attach the completed ears to the top of the kangaroo’s head, applying glue behind the head.

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

5. Use a black sharpie to draw the pupils on the eyes and stick them on the upper half of the kangaroo’s face. Glue the cheeks under the eyes. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

6. Take out your black Sharpie and draw a nose and mouth. The first part of your toilet paper roll kangaroo craft is complete! 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

7. Let’s put aside the face for now and move on to the body. Take the toilet paper roll and cover it with craft paper, applying glue to secure it in place. This is the kangaroo’s body.

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

8. Mama needs a place to keep her baby, which is where the pouch comes in! Stick the pouch on the lower half of the body. Make sure that you apply glue only on the lower edge and the two sides – the top edge should be open.

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

9. Attach the kangaroo’s legs on either side of the pouch, applying glue on the toilet paper roll. Take a brown Sharpie and draw outlines on the legs and pouch. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

10. Stick the tail on the cardboard tube, applying glue on the broad edge and attaching it to the back of the roll. Use a Sharpie to add some details to the tail. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

11. Time to put everything together for our toilet paper roll kangaroo craft! Take the kangaroo’s head and stick it on the front of the body’s top edge. 

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

12. Attach the arm cutouts on both sides of the kangaroo’s body, in the space between the pouch and the head.

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

13. We’re almost done, but wait – something’s missing. Of course, the baby kangaroo! Use a black Sharpie to draw eyes, nose and mouth on the baby’s face. Draw cheeks and ears with a pink Sharpie. When the baby kangaroo is complete, insert it into the Mama kangaroo’s pouch, as shown below.

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

There you go, an adorable little Mama and baby toilet paper roll kangaroo craft! We love how it appears as if the Mama is holding on to the baby to make sure he doesn’t jump out unexpectedly! 

If you liked this craft, you may also enjoy these Mama-baby crafts:

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

Enjoy this cute Toilet Paper Roll Kangaroo Craft that's also super simple to make! See how easy it is to turn a cardboard tube into something cool!

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