10 Cute and Creative Cow Crafts for Kids

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The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Have you noticed one common theme among chick flicks? It’s the theory that what the protagonist was looking for was in front of him/her all along! I’m sure I’ll run out of fingers and toes if I start counting movies with this theme! 

Wondering why I’m talking about this now? Because sometimes we forget about important things or people that are right in front of us – which also extends to animals. So if you’ve been obsessed about sloths, llamas and flamingos for a while, it’s time to take a look at a common but underestimated animal – the cow!

With Cow Appreciation Day coming up on 7th July, it’s the perfect time to celebrate this common farm animal that gives us so much! Here are 10 cute and creative cow crafts for kids – simple enough for toddlers and preschoolers to try!

10 Cute and Creative Cow Crafts for Kids

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

1. Paper Plate Cow Craft

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

We talk about impressive talents of other animals like the speed of cheetahs, but did you know that cows have near-360 degrees vision? Yes, they see quite well all around, but ironically not so well in front! Put on googly eyes on this paper plate cow from Crafty Morning and watch them go round and round!

2. Popsicle Stick Cow Puppet

Put on your very own puppet show with these adorable Printable Farm Animal Puppets!! Download, print, assemble and get ready to have some farm-theme fun!

The first time kids learn about cows is always as part of a farm, and we all remember Old McDonald’s song even today! Have some fun with these Popsicle stick farm animal puppets, which includes a cute little cow.

3. Recycled Foam Cup Cow Craft

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Got some foam cups lying around? You’ve got exactly what you need to make this cute craft from Kids Activities Blog! Don’t forget the grass she’s chewing – something a cow can do for up to 8 hours a day!

4. Printable Cow Paper Collage

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Simple Mom Project has a craft that’s super easy and perfect for little ones to put together. All you need to do is print out the printable and cut out the pieces. Give it to your child to assemble and that’ll keep her busy for a while!

5. DIY Clay Cow Magnet

air dry clay cow step by step

Here’s a cute clay cow magnet that you can stick on your fridge. So every time you get food, you’re greeted by a cute cow! Speaking of food, did you know that a cow eats up to 40 pounds of food a day?

6. Easy Paper Cow Craft

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Doesn’t this cow from I Heart Crafty Things look very friendly? Maybe it’s because cows are social animals and don’t like being alone unless they’re ill.

7. Cow Handprint Art

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Here’s another craft project that’s ideal for toddlers and little kids – a handprint cow from Craftulate. Let the kids count how many legs the cow has. You can also try a handprint yourself so you have a Mamma cow and baby calf!

8. DIY Cow Corner Bookmark

These adorable DIY Farm Animal Corner Bookmarks are just what you need to mark your place in your favorite book! Perfect spring craft for school kids!

Cows may not seem like very adventurous animals – they look so peaceful. However, they actually get quite excited when they encounter challenges like how to open something to get food inside it. Make this cow bookmark that’ll be super happy when you open up a book!

9. Footprint Cow Puppet

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

If you can turn a handprint into a cow, you can very well do the same with a foot print! Fun Handprint Art shows us how to do this and then turn that cow into a quirky Popsicle stick puppet!

10. Printable Cow Paper Crown

This summer, engage the kids in some fun pretend play with these adorable printable animal crowns - just print, cut, stick and you're all set to play!

If you’ve been impressed with all that a cow can do, you can become a cow too – at least temporarily! Print out this printable paper crown and then have a blast going ‘Moo’! 

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

Animal crafts are a great way for kids to learn about animals, and in this case we’ve learnt a lot of incredible things about the cow. Most of these crafts require very basic supplies and effort. So don’t procrastinate doing these – get up and grab those scissors!

The humble cow gives us so much, which means she needs to be appreciated! Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day on 7th July with these cute cow crafts for kids!

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