Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids

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Learn how to make a rocket out of paper – with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step-by-step instructions provided.

It’s amazing how many craft supplies there are today, isn’t it? When I was a kid, we had just the basics, like craft paper and pompoms, but today you have shells, feathers, and even paper in varying textures and sizes!

Despite all that, sometimes it’s just nice to go back to the basics and craft using simple things. It’s a great reminder that you don’t need a lot of time or money to make something amazing – just paper and a few minutes will do!

To prove that, we’ve got a quick and easy Origami rocket craft for you today – complete with step by step instructions so that you don’t get confused. Don’t worry if you haven’t tried Origami before – this one’s good for beginners too!

Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

Supplies required:

  • Craft papers in different colors
  • Craft glue
  • A pair of scissors

How to make the Origami Rocket Craft for Kids:

1. Gather the colored papers you’re going to use for your Origami rocket craft. You can use readymade Origami papers if you have them, but regular craft paper will do. Prepare three squares in different colors in these sizes – a 4” x 4” for the rocket, 2” x 2” for the outer flame, and 1” x 1” for the inner flame. We’ve chosen light blue for the rocket, and yellow and orange for the flame.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

2. Let’s start with the easy part of the Origami rocket craft – the flame! Take the 2″x2″ square and fold it in half diagonally so you get a triangle. Place it so that the base is on top and the corner faces down.

3. Find the center point of the triangle’s base.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

4. Fold down the right end of the triangle’s base from the center point, leaving a gap of 1 cm from the bottom corner.

5. Similarly, fold dow the left end of the triangle’s base. You now have a shape that looks like a little dog with flappy ears!

6. Repeat steps 2-5 with the 1″x1″ square paper. You now have two little doggy shapes.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

7. Attach the smaller doggy shape on top of the larger one – that’s the complete flame of your Origami rocket craft. Put it aside for now.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

8. Let’s start working on the body of our Origami rocket craft. Take the 4-inch square paper and fold it in half. Unfold – you now have a central crease.

9. Fold the ends parallel to the crease inward so they meet along the crease. You now have a long rectangle.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

10. Fold the rectangle in half horizontally. Unfold – you now have a horizontal crease parallel to the short edges of the rectangle.

11. Fold the short edges inward so they meet at the horizontal crease.

12. Unfold the last fold. You now have another crease parallel to the middle crease.

13. Lift the upper flap on the right side and open it out, creating a fold at the middle horizontal crease, as shown below. 

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

14. Repeat the previous step on the left side. You now have an open end and a closed end for your rectangle.

15. Turn around your entire pattern so that the open end faces up.

16. Make diagonal creases at the corners of the open end.

17. Flatten out your folds so you have a trapezoid shape on top and a rectangle on the bottom, as shown below.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

18. Turn the current Origami rocket craft pattern to the other side, so the trapezium now lies underneath the rectangle.

19. Fold the top right and left corners inward so they meet in the middle. You now have a symmetrical pattern with a crease running down the middle.

20. Fold the right side of the symmetrical pattern inward to meet the middle crease.

21. Fold out the triangle part, as shown below.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

22. Repeat steps 20-21 on the left side. Your Origami rocket craft is now beginning to look like a rocket!

23. Turn the origami pattern to the other side. Bring back the flame you made at the beginning. 

24. Attach the origami flame to the bottom of the origami rocket.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

There you go – a nice and neat little Origami rocket craft all ready to take off!

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

We liked using light colors for the rocket so that the flame really stood out, but feel free to make it bright! This is a craft for people of all ages – kids and adults alike! Even younger kids can try it with some assistance, so don’t be afraid – just do it!

If you like making things using Origami, you may enjoy these crafts:

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

Learn how to make a rocket out of paper - with this Quick and Easy Origami Rocket Craft for Kids! Complete step by step instructions provided.

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