4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft

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This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

“Where liberty dwells, there is my country.” —Benjamin Franklin

This is a quote by Benjamin Franklin, someone we all know as an accomplished scientist, writer and inventor. But that’s not all – he was also one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America and even appears on the 100$ bill!

Franklin’s quote about liberty is something all Americans hold dear, as the U.S. is also referred to as ‘The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave‘. The ‘American Spirit’ is all about having the freedom to live your life as you like and find happiness in it. It is also about the bravery of the many people who have fought and continue to fight for this freedom.

This is probably why America is called the land of opportunity, which explains how it is currently the country with the largest amount of immigration. Yes, the American Spirit is also about welcoming people from all races and walks of life, so they can pursue their own happiness in this land!

With the American Independence Day coming up, it’s only right to remember the true spirit of this nation and to honor it – and we’re doing it with a fun 4th Of July star wreath paper craft that reflects the colors and stars of the American flag!

4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

Supplies required:

  • Cardboard wreath
  • Craft paper in red, white and blue
  • Golden star stickers or embellishments
  • Scissors
  • Glue

How to make the 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft:

1. Cut squares of different sizes out of the red, white and blue craft papers. We’re going to use these to make stars to decorate the 4th Of July star wreath.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

2. Let’s take one square and learn how to make a star out of it. Start by folding the square in half, so you get a rectangle. Let the folded edge face up.

3. Fold the top right corner inward to meet the bottom edge. Unfold it so the crease is visible.

4. Now fold the bottom right corner inward to meet the top edge.

5. Unfold it so you can now see two creases crisscrossing each other.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

6. Bring the bottom left corner inward so it meets the crease made in step 4.

7. Fold this flap inside itself, so it looks like the image above.

8. Now bring the bottom right corner inward, so it aligns with the edge of the fold in the previous step.

9. Fold the entire star along the meeting point of the previous step. Cut along the dotted line shown in the image below.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

10. You will be left with a wedge-shaped folded piece of paper. Unfold it to get your paper star. The first bit of your 4th Of July star wreath is ready!

11. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining paper squares so you get multiple stars of different sizes in red, white and blue.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

12. Take out your cardboard wreath and decide how you want to arrange the paper stars on it. You can also overlap smaller stars on the bigger ones. Once you are satisfied with the arrangement, take a photo.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

13. Remove all your stars from the wreath. Using your photo as a guide, apply glue on the bottom edges of the stars and place them as per your initial arrangement.

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

14. You will notice a lot of empty spaces between the stars. Don’t worry – that’s what our star embellishments are for! If you’re using star stickers, simply stick them wherever you find some significant empty space. Else, attach them with glue. That’s it – your 4th Of July star wreath is ready!

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

This 4th Of July star wreath papercraft is a fun project for the whole family, as every member can make a few stars so the wreath gets ready quickly. If you’re planning a party this 4th of July, you can hang this wreath on your door, while also setting up a pretty centerpiece for your table!

If you liked this patriotic craft, you may also like these crafts in red, white and blue:

This 4th Of July Star Wreath Paper Craft is perfect for your Independence Day celebrations, celebrating the colors of the American flag!

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