Fun and Playful Moving Owl Craft for Kids

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This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It’s a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

Don’t you love crafts that have an interactive feature to them? We certainly do, which is why we love creating crafts that have an extra element, like rocking, jumping or sliding!

That’s when we thought it would be fun to have a little owl that can flutter its wings, and that’s how the idea for today’s moving owl craft was born! It’s a lot easier than it sounds, and you just need a few extra craft supplies to get started.

Fun and Playful Moving Owl Craft for Kids

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

Supplies required:

  • Colored cardstock papers
  • Colored craft papers
  • Pencil
  • Craft glue
  • A pair of scissors
  • Brad pins
  • Sharpies
  • Sticky tape
  • Popsicle stick
  • Stretchy string

How to make the Moving Owl Craft:

1. Download and print the moving owl craft template. The template contains just a few parts, like the owl’s head/body, wings, face, beak, and feet. With this one template, you can make as many owls as you like.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

2. Trace the parts of the template on craft paper of the appropriate colors and cut them out. When it comes to appropriate colors, you can really choose anything you like! We’ve made pink and blue owls, but you can also make yellow or red if you like. You can go with different shades of the same color for the different parts of the owl, or choose contrasting colors instead. We’ve chosen yellow for the beak and feet of the owl.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

3. Let’s start assembling our moving owl craft with the face first. Use a black Sharpie to draw eyes in the curved portions of the face cutout.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

4. Stick this face on the upper half of the owl’s head/body part. 

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

5. Attach the beak in between the eyes, pointing to the bottom edge of the face. 

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

6. Stick the little feet on the lower edge of the owl’s body/head. Your moving owl craft is beginning to take shape!

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

7. Time to add the ‘moving’ parts to our craft – the wings! Take one of the wing pieces and pierce two holes near the straight edge as shown below.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

8. Turn the owl face down and place the wing on top of the owl’s back so that the pierced section overlaps with the owl’s body and the pointy end faces away.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

9. Insert a brad-pin through one of the pierced holes to attach the wing to the body. The open ends of the brad pin should face the same direction as the owl’s back. Fold them to secure the wing in place.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

10. Repeat the previous two steps with the other wing – piercing two holes, placing it in the right position on the owl’s back and attaching with a brad-pin. Now your moving owl craft has two wings securely attached to its sides!

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

11. Keep the owl facing down and take a piece of stretchy string. Insert it through the unused hole in the wing and bring it out the other side – DO NOT insert the thread through the owl’s body. If you like you can thread the string through a needle to make things easier.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

12. Draw the open end of the string through the free hole on the other wing, so that the string creates a horizontal line across the back of the owl, connecting both wings.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

13. Tie knots at both open ends of the string without pulling the string too tight. 

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

14. Take your Popsicle stick and use sticky tape to attach the popsicle stick to the horizontal string in the middle.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

15. Now, when you push the stick upwards, the wings will pull down and close.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

16. When you pull the stick downward, the wings will open out.

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

17. Here’s an optional step – take out your colored Sharpies and add some details to the owl’s body and wings!

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

There you go – now you’ve got a fun toy in the form of a moving owl craft! This moving owl craft is so easy to make that you’ll be tempted to make more of these in different colors. Enjoy playing with your owl and you can also include it in a little puppet show of your own!

Love owls? Then you’ll love our cute owl crafts:

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

This Moving Owl Craft for Kids is easier to make than it seems! It's a simple, fun craft for kids of all ages to make and play with too!

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