Easy Origami Ghost Craft For Kids | Halloween Craft
Boo! Get into the spirit (pun intended) of Halloween with this cute Origami Ghost Craft! Easy enough for kids of all ages; all you need is paper!
When we had fancy dress contests in school, my favorite costume was being a ghost. All you needed was a white sheet with two holes cut out for the eyes. Not only was it a fuss-free costume, it was the perfect recipe for a laugh riot, running behind the other kids screaming. No one cared about winning the contest – we were having too much fun!
Maybe it’s because of that memory, or because I watched Casper the friendly ghost – but ghosts have never been something that scared me as a child. I think Casper changed ghosts’ reputation to a great extent, and that was one less monster to worry about in the dark!
As Halloween approaches, ghosts are re-entering the picture and we’re going to have some fun with them – not with a white sheet but with a cute Origami ghost craft! The best part is that you don’t even need Origami paper – any plain paper will do. We love everything Origami, and this craft is no different!
Easy Origami Ghost Craft For Kids | Halloween Craft
Supplies Required:
- White Origami paper
- Colored markers
How to make the Easy Origami Ghost Craft For Kids:
1. Fold a square piece of Origami paper or plain white paper in half diagonally. Then unfold and fold again in the opposite direction. When you unfold, you’ll get two lines running diagonally across the square.
2. Turn the square so that the corners face up and down. Fold the bottom corner as well as the left and right corners towards the center.
3. Unfold the paper so that all the creases are visible.
4. You now have two points on either side above the horizontal diagonal. Fold down along the line joining these dots.
5. Turn the square over so that the fold is now underneath and you have a diamond shape in front of you.
6. Fold the two corners inward along the first line from either end.
7. Once again, turn the paper over so that the fold from step 4 is visible.
8. Fold the two edges in, so that the corners flap out, as shown above.
9. Unfold the right side.
10. Fold down the upper portion of this flap so that it is tucked in as you fold back towards the right.
11. Unfold the last fold. Fold down diagonally along the new crease formed.
12. Fold up the bottom part of this flap so you get a neat triangle. Repeat steps 9-12 on the left side.
13. Make small folds at the ends of the top and at the tail end.
14. Turn the paper over so all the folds are at the back.
15. User markers to draw in facial features for the ghost. That’s it, you’re done!
How cute are these little apparitions? They’re perfect to give your friends stick on a Halloween card or turn into a bookmark. You can make the ghost have different expressions by changing the shape of its eyes and mouth. You can also add eyelashes or a small bow to indicate a girl ghost. A ghost is literally a blank sheet – you can do anything you like with it!
That’s the magic of Origami, a piece of paper can become as complex or simple a craft as you like. Ghosts aren’t the only creatures you can make with Origami; you can also make an Origami whale, Origami parrots, Origami fish and Origami penguins. Since it’s Halloween, you’ll also enjoy making these shaped paper bats, a plastic bottle Jack-o-lantern and some fun Frankenstein treat bags!
Hi! I started making these but got stuck on step 9, looked for a video link but found none, so one would’ve been nice to see how folds are actually made.
This doesn’t work. From step 12 to 13 there’s something missing
Thanks for your feedback. Let me check & get a video tutorial ready..
There are missing ending steps on this. The final folds to make the tail, head, and hands.