10 Fun and Fantastic Frog Crafts for Kids

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Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

When you think of loving animals, many of us think of cute puppies and kittens, or maybe a calf or even a tiger cub. However, few of us would think of frogs among this list, and while they’re not mammals, they still belong to the animal kingdom!

If you’re a person to run when you spot a frog – you’re not alone! Most people don’t really consider frogs as pet material, although there are some fans. And when you learn more about this amazing creature, you’ll be intrigued too!

20th March is World Frog Day, and awareness is being spread on the fast diminishing numbers of frogs. Yes, even frogs are endangered, thanks to climate change. Frogs are cold blooded animals, which make them very important in maintaining the ecosystem. 

Today, let’s learn more about frogs – we got to admit – we don’t really know much about them other than the fact that they have webbed feet and that they jump! These fun frog crafts give our kids (and us) a good opportunity to learn more about them.

10 Fun and Fantastic Frog Crafts for Kids

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

1. Printable Frog Puppet

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

We love this frog puppet from Easy Peasy and Fun that looks like it’s ready to start feasting on some flies! We’ve heard of how long the frog’s tongue is, and that it is attached on the front. Did you know that a frog swallows with the help of its eyes? Yes, those large eyeballs push the food down from the roof of the mouth towards the throat. Amazing!

2. F for Frog Recycled Craft

Make an F for Frog Craft using our Printable Template, perfect for learning about pond animals, amphibians, letter F, rainforest theme or lifecycle of a frog.

It’s a fun fact that a frog’s protruding eyes help it eat, but of course, the primary function is to see! These eyes are placed on top of the head so that the frog can see not just in front, but also to the sides and even a little to the back!

3. Toilet Paper Roll Frog

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

The Best Ideas for Kids turns a toilet paper roll into a frog – that’s resting happily in a pond! There is a reason frogs are always in water – they drink through their skin! Yes, there’s a drinking patch on its tummy and thighs which absorbs water just like that.

4. Frog on a Lily Pad

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

The Craft Train features a purple frog craft and you might be wondering why it isn’t green. However, there are frogs of all colors on this planet and the more colorful ones are often the most poisonous. In fact, the golden poison dart frog can produce a poison that’s so toxic that just 1 gram can kill 1,00,000 people!

5. Paper Frog Craft

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

Krokotak has a fun craft that looks so cheerful it makes you want to get up and dance like these frog mates! A group of frogs is actually called an ‘army’ and they often travel together looking for mates or food, so they’re better protected.

6. Recycled Plastic Egg Frog Craft

Bring together different craft supplies to make this mixed-media Recycled Plastic Egg Frog Craft! Perfect for learning about amphibians and aquatic animals.

We love the slightly translucent nature of this craft that uses a plastic egg and turns it into a frog! Did you know that there really is a ‘glass frog’? The skin is almost transparent and you can even see the heart beating from the inside!

7. Construction Paper Frog Craft

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

Construction paper is one of the most basic craft supplies out there, and Easy Peasy and Fun cleverly turns green paper into a little frog on a lily pad. The frog looks ready to jump, doesn’t he? Apparently, frogs can use their legs to jump to 20 times their body height!

8. Paper Plate Frog Craft

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

Fireflies and Mudpies gives us a frog head made out of paper plates, which looks like it would belong to a rather large frog! Did you know that the biggest frog in the world is called the Goliath frog? It’s really huge – it weighs as much as a newborn baby!

9. Bobble Head Frog Paper Craft

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

We love this craft from Arty Crafty Kids – that bobbling head is so much fun! You can actually apply this technique to other crafts as well, but it looks particularly suitable for frogs!

10. Frog Paper Crown

Printable Crown For Kids 4372

After learning so many fun facts about frogs, you may be tempted to turn into a frog too – at least for a short time! We make it easier for you with the help of a frog paper crown. Go on and download the template for the crown and make it!

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

I’m sure you know much more about frogs than you did before you started reading this post. Learning more about animals makes us respect them more, doesn’t it? That’s why awareness matters so much, and why we should never stop learning. And while you’re at it, there’s no better way than crafts to reinforce everything we’ve learnt so far!

Time to get jumpy with these fun frog crafts for kids! With World Frog Day coming up on 20th March, this is the perfect time for these crafts!

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