Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft for Kids

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We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft – it’s so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

You know that there are days dedicated to tigers, elephants, monkeys, and even snakes. There are special days dedicated to all the roles humans play, from teachers to mothers to bosses. But did you know that there’s also a day dedicated to aliens? 

Yes, it exists – the day, not sure about aliens! Alien Day is on the 26th of April, the number that matches LV-426, the name of the moon where aliens were discovered in the first Alien movie by Ridley Scott in 1979. That’s not all; there is also a World UFO Day on Jun 24th, when people actually scan the skies for UFOs!

Looks like we’ve all got a fun task ahead of us for the next month – hope the skies are clear enough for some UFO-spotting! In the meantime, we can have fun by creating our own aliens, out of paper, toilet rolls, plastic eggs, or as we are going to do today, paper bags! Yes, we are going to make an absolutely adorable paper bag alien craft, and kids are sure to love it!

Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft for Kids

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

Supplies required:   

Check out my favorite supplies on

  • Paper bag
  • Craft paper in Purples & Blues
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil

How to make the Paper Bag Alien Craft:

1. Download and print the paper bag alien puppet template, which includes two sheets. The template includes parts for the alien’s head, belly, antennae, arms, feet, teeth, and eye.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

2. Trace and cut out all the parts on the colored craft paper of your choice. We’ve gone with shades of purple here, sticking to black and white for the eye and teeth.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

3. Let’s start by assembling the head of the paper bag alien craft. Stick the antennae behind the head so they pop out on either side.

Paper Bag Alien Puppets 2

4. Stick the eye bang in the middle of the head and draw a mouth. Let’s make our alien smile!

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

5. Add two tiny pointy teeth to the smile – now our paper bag alien craft looks truly adorable!

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

6. Cut out a rectangle piece of paper the size of the paper bag.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

7. On this rectangle, stick the alien’s belly and feet in the appropriate positions.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

8. Now stick the rectangle on the paper bag, so that the folded flap lies freely on the top.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

9. Stick the head of the alien on top of this folded flap of the paper bag.

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

10. Stick the arms on either side of the alien’s body and that’s it! Your paper bag alien craft is all done and ready!

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

Well, this paper bag alien craft is certainly a fun way to celebrate UFO Day or Alien Day! The best part is that they’re aliens – you can make them in any color of your choice! Other fun things to do are to watch alien movies like The Iron Giant, E.T., or Star Wars. And if you’re not in the mood for movies, there are always more crafts! We’ve got a lot of space-themed crafts as well as alien crafts so you’ll be spoilt for choice! This would also make a fun activity for an outer space party.

If you enjoyed this paper bag alien puppet craft, you’ll also enjoy these:

With these, you can create an entire collection of paper puppet crafts that’ll help you put together a fun and innovative puppet show!

We love this Adorable Paper Bag Alien Craft - it's so cute and easy to make! This makes a great addition to your DIY paper puppet collection!

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